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  1. Latest ITMania PS4 Linux Distribution Updates for PlayStation 4

    Proceeding their Internal PS4 HDD Linux Installation video, the IT Mania YouTube Channel folks recently released some noteworthy ITMania Linux Updates for PS4 including the latest emulators, Vulkan drivers and Kodi / Steam support among others for both retrogaming and running newer games such as...
  2. GameCube / Wii Dolphin Emulator on PS4 Linux Demo by Fail0verflow

    Earlier this week we reported on Fail0verflow's demonstration at 33c3 2016, and today Marcan shared another brief video demo of the Nintendo GameCube / Wii Dolphin Emulator running via PS4 Linux on their exploited 4.05 console. :hearteyes: Below is the PlayStation 4 Linux Dolphin Emulator...
  3. PS4 Linux Pre-configured Distro for Emulators & More from D-ecks

    Following his PS4 Linux Installation Tutorial and PS4 Steam Tutorial, today PlayStation 4 developer D-ecks shared a PS4 Linux pre-configured distro which supports Steam, various emulators, Office and more right out of the box! Download: PS4 Linux v 0.1.1.torrent (23.12 KB) Check it out below...