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  1. PSProxy v4.1.0.0 PS4 Update Bypass by Red-EyeX32, Update Button

    Last month Sony changed the PSN Passphrase as PlayStation 4 developer @RedEyeX32 announced he was working on a new PSProxy until Sony disabled 3.61 support, but today Red-EyeX32 released PSProxy v4.1.0.0 which includes an integrated Update button making it easy peasy to check for future updates...
  2. PSProxy PS4 Update Bypass by Red-EyeX32 Works, Passphrase Changed

    If you're trying to get online with a PlayStation 4 console and don't want to update to Sony's latest PS4 Firmware 4.05 in hopes that the 4.01 Kernel Exploit will surface, then be sure to check out PSProxy with the latest version being PSProxy.rar (v4.0.0.0) from @RedEyeX32! :happyblush Yeah...
  3. PSProxy v3.1.0.0 PSN Update Bypass by Red-EyeX32 is Released

    NOTE: PSPROXY FOR PSVITA use with caution. The way henkaku was done, it can be noticed by Sony. A few months back PlayStation developer Red-EyeX32 released a PS4 Update Bypasser and now he's back with a few updates to PSProxy bringing it from v3.0.0.0 to v3.1.0.0 followed by v4.0.0.0 with more...
  4. PS4 Update Bypasser PSProxy by Red-EyeX32 to Bypass PSN Updates

    Following his PlayStation 4 Trophy (PS4 .TRP File) Extractor and PS3 LV1.ELF Embedded Files Extractor, PlayStation 4 developer Red-EyeX32 (Twitter) released a PS4 Update Bypasser application called PSProxy to bypass PSN Firmware Updates for PlayStation 4 owners... with a PS3 version coming next...