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  1. SpecterDev Shares Low-Level Details on Porting MUSL to PS4

    Since the OpenOrbis PlayStation 4 Toolchain release and related guides on his YouTube Channel, PS4 scene developer @SpecterDev of (Patreon) shared via Twitter a Blog Post detailing some of the challenges he encountered porting the MUSL C standard library for Linux operating systems...
  2. PlayStation 4 Payload Port Fails, Specter Sends PS4 Back to Jail

    Last weekend Twitter blew up with reports of a PlayStation 4 Payload Port work-in-progress from Specter of the PS4Console project, but alas today he announced that the PS4 payload idea didn't work out and for the time being Sony's black box is going back to jail. :X3: You can read the full...
  3. PS4 PKG Unpacker via Red-EyeX32, Payload Porting WIP by Specter

    A few Twitter updates today from PlayStation 4 developer RedEyeX32 who shared a teaser image of what appears to be a PS4 PKG Unpacker while Specter confirmed the payload is tested, working and he's beginning to port it to PS4 now! :) Previously @RedEyeX32 released a PS4 Update Bypasser and...
  4. PS4 Developer Specter on Jailbreak vs CFW, Reversing SPRXs & More

    Recently PlayStation 4 developer Specter updated the PS4 Playground 3.55 successor to PS4Console v1.1, and since then he's started Specter's Development Blog to share information and progress with other developers. (y) Thus far, there are two PS4 Dev entries which we'll link you to below...