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  1. Microsoft XB1 (XBox One) Edge Exploit

    Here is a Microsoft XB1 (XBox One) Edge Exploit from Thierry aka unknownv2 with details below. Download: / GIT From the ms-xb1-edge-exp For Xbox-SystemOS version: 10.0.14393.2152 (rs1_xbox_rel_1610 161208-1218) fre, 12/14/2016 Other versions will most...
  2. XBox One HDD Hack Method Using H4LT's Durango XDK (***) Surfaces

    I will add this to our practically dormant Microsoft section here as well from PS4 News, where a trick similar to the PS4 PSN Method apparently has been found to run game backups on XBox One now using the Durango X-DK (XBox One *** - 473.9 MB / Documentation / XboxOneOS.rar - 707.12 MB) from...