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PS4 News       Thread starter b14s       4      
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I have saved my old PS4 then sold it. Now I brought a PS4 Pro and I wanted to restore, but unfortunately it says i must update the system to use this feature... It means I lost all my save games and all my profile unless i update my pro to 4.06 ??

The reason I am upset is my friend did the same thing 5 days ago. He had a 3.55 PS4, saved the backup, then plugged the USB to the PRO and restored his profile with no issues.

Although I cannot remember what my PS4 version was but I am pretty sure it was pre 4.01 and probably around 3.55.

How could this happen?? I did the backup restore with him together 5 days ago without issues.

Any idea would appreciated.
thanks in advance
So basically it's back to waiting / hoping for PSProxy to start working again... or the scarier option, updating to the latest OFW :confused:

If anyone else has ideas feel free to share them with us! :)
So basically it's back to waiting / hoping for PSProxy to start working again... or the scarier option, updating to the latest OFW :confused:

If anyone else has ideas feel free to share them with us! :)
I got my friends backup, and my 3.70 stock pro could restore his user without problem.. so basically it wants to update the system software only if i want to restore my own backup.

what is this seriously??

friend was on 3.55, my ps was also definitely under 4.0 before i sold it. How is it possible that one restore requires updating, other restore is doing it without issues..
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