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PS5 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Oct 25, 2023 at 6:21 AM       14      
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Proceeding TheFlow0's BD-JB Sandbox Escape at Hexacon, the 4.03 PS5 HEN PS4 FPKG Enabler Payload & Porting Offsets and the recent 4.50 PS5 HEN PS4 FPKG Enabler Payload Port comes a revision by Security Engineer theflow0 to the BD-JB PS5 Exploit (BD-J Tools) that supports Userland execution, not Kernel (KeX), on PlayStation 5 consoles through 7.61 PS5 Firmware as Andy Nguyen aka TheOfficialFloW on Github confirmed via Twitter it was fixed in 8.00 PS5 System Software:

Seems like Sony fixed the bd-jb path traversal sandbox escape on PS5 FW 8.00. PoC tweetable: Change bdjo.xml#L13:
and enjoy native code execution on PS5 FW 7.61.


⬆️ The PlayStation 5 Remote JAR Loader was also confirmed as working on 7.61, with a new PS5 JAR Loader revision by hammer-83 on Github: 2023-10-27
  1. Burn ps5-jar-loader.iso on a BD-R(E).
  2. Insert into PS5, go to Media / Disc Player.
  3. Press Play on "PS5 JAR Loader"
  4. When the message appears showing the IP address where JAR loader is listening, try sending hello-world-remote.jar using the following command:
${path_to_java_11}/java --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED -jar hello-world-remote.jar ${ps5_ip_address}
Note: this does not include any exploits, just a proof of concept for repeatedly executing arbitrary JARs on a PS5.
BD-JB PS5 Exploit (Userland) Revision for 7.61 Firmware by TheFloW.png


Before anyone gets excited, this is NOT a jailbreak for 7.61 Firmware. It's just a Userland exploit. It still needs a Kernel and Hypervisor chained.
Brand new PS5 comes with what firmware now days? Let me guess 7.61

That’s how Sony is going to clean all the PS5s off the shelves. Wake up people, Sony owns the scene!!
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