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Following the No ODE / IDPS Guide and PS3 CFW Games on Any CFW Guide, today I'm sharing a modded version of the PlayStation 3 GAME_CONVERT tools from tukil as part of Team HDX / KDW's CFW2OFW: PS3 CFW to OFW Game Converter Mod and Guide! (-:

Yes this is a remake, I have changed the language to English from Russian language, I put some guide script into this tools, and this is tool includes "make_npdata.exe" and "msvcr120" inside, whereas with GAME_CONVERT.bat some users have a bug and issues with msvcr120 missing while others have confused how to type game region code.

This tools use for convert your cfw game into ofw games, this is a mod version from Russian GAME_CONVERT tools, I make it simple , with some guide and game code guide, it will make you convert easily and fast, thanks for Russian Converter Tools Maker! :thumbup:

KDW CFW2OFW PS3 CFW to OFW Game Converter Mod and Guide.png

I have converted many games. You can check this google sheets to view my game list test and fix:



i told u before i cant do dtu as i am not having cfw console and man if someone is having cfw console why anyone need to transfer games to ofw if the person can play on cfw oh man please i request tell me method without requirement of cfw console on superslim and also the method given to install 4.81 bypass is not working (
sorry bro this is only method for now ... wait for sometime
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