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PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter sonik       Start date Oct 26, 2018 at 9:38 PM       136      
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Following the PS4 Remote Package Installer and RPI_GUI release I've made a GUI for Windows. It's portable and only needs the .Net Framework (4.5.2) followed by PS4RPI_02.rar, PS4RPI_03.rar, updates, PS4RPI_04.rar and more revisions below.

For the http server it uses miniweb.exe. It's included in the download. Please try it.

Download link: PS4RPIGUI: PS4 Remote Package Installer GUI (Latest Version) / ps4rpi_01.rar (319.6 KB) / ps4rpi_01.rar (Mirror) / PS4RPI_02.rar (224.2 KB) / PS4RPI_02.rar (Mirror) / PS4RPI_03.rar (273.2 KB) / ps4rpi_03.rar (Mirror) / serve-win.rar (7.2 MB) / serve-win.rar (Mirror) / (8.1 MB - Windows 32-bit Compiled) / (Mirror) / PS4RPI_04.rar (274 KB) / / GIT

I will add more features later and also implement some error catching.

PS4 Remote Package Installer Tutorial (5.05 Jailbreak)
PS4RPI PS4 Remote Package Installer GUI by Sonik.png


@sonik Thanks for the gui, that works great but I have a problem with using miniweb as the server.

I downloaded a 507MB pkg file with miniweb and it took 6 minutes 47 seconds.! I then turned off miniweb and used apache (with same settings) instead and it downloaded in just 31 seconds.

Try swapping miniweb for apache and test the speed difference out for yourself.
Let me know if it is a lot faster for you.
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