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  1. PlayStation Korea PS4 Five Year Anniversary Trailer Video

    Recently the PlayStation 4 turned five years old, and on behalf of Sony Interactive Entertainment in celebration of over 81.2 million units sold PlayStation Korea made available a PS4 five year anniversary trailer video full of fond PlayStation memories. :gigglexf2: Dubbed "The Beginning of...
  2. PS4 Firmware 4.0 Update Coming Next Week with HDR Video Support

    Besides the PS4 Professional 4K console unveiling at this year's PlayStation Meeting, Sony also announced in their official Press Release that all PlayStation 4's will support HDR (high dynamic range) video imaging technology. Back in July Sony invited PlayStation fans to join the PS4 Firmware...
  3. PS4 NEO Development Confirmed by Sony, No E3 2016 Unveiling

    Following months of rumors, today Sony Interactive Entertainment President Andrew House finally and officially confirmed a PS4 NEO is indeed in development and will support both videos and games at 4K resolution! :D As expected the PlayStation 4 NEO will not be unveiled during the PlayStation...