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  1. Super Mario Bros PS3 Ultraslim DECH-4000AA OFW DEX 4.78 - MrNiato

    Following his PS3 Console ID Generator, today PlayStation 3 developer @MrNiato shared a video demo via Twitter of him launching Nintendo's Super Mario Bros on a PS3 Ultraslim DECH-4000AA OFW DEX (Debug) 4.78 console including a fix for the PKG error. :gigglexf2: From the video's caption, to...
  2. PS3 Debug / Test (DECH) and Reference Tool (DECR) FAQ by CJPC

    I'm adding these here for archival purposes in case anyone out there still wants to learn about Sony's PS3 Debug / Test (DECH) and PlayStation 3 Reference Tool (DECR) from the original FAQ by CJPC on the old site. PS3 Test / Tool FAQ So, you have gotten your hands on a PS3 TEST -...