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  1. Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.80 COBRA 7.3 NoBD Edition by Alexander

    Proceeding his recent Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.80 COBRA 7.3 release, today PlayStation 3 developer Alexander made available Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.80 COBRA 7.3 NoBD Edition for those who own consoles with damaged or missing Blu-ray drives. Download: FERROX 4.80 COBRA 7.3 NOBD.rar (195.1 MB) /...
  2. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.80 COBRA 7.3 by Alexander

    A few days back we reported on Ferrox 4.80 v1.0 Standard CEX CFW, and today PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss has kicked it up a notch again to Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.80 COBRA 7.3 with the changes detailed below. Download: CEXFERROX480COBRA730_FINAL.PUP (195.1 MB) MD5 Hash...
  3. PS3 CFW FERROX 4.80 v1.0 Standard CEX

    Following the previous updates, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss returns with 4.80 FERROX CFW v1.00 (Standard CEX) which supports PS3 4.80 Firmware with details below. Features: Built on the basis of OFW 4.80 SONY. PSN / SEN Enabled. Update from any possibility of CFW (CEX). Ability to...