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  1. PS4 / PS5 EBOOT DLC Patcher Python Script for FPKGs by IdleSauce

    Developer idlesauce on Github released a PS4 / PS5 EBOOT DLC Patcher Python Script crediting @jocover for discovering the functions used to load DLCs intended for use with PlayStation 4 Fake PKGs running on Exploited PlayStation 5 consoles where the PS4 DLC FPKGs currently aren't working. 🤩...
  2. kizabg

    PKG_PFS_Tool: PS4 PKG / PFS / Save Games Unpacker Tool by Flatz!

    Proceeding the PS4 PKG Info on PlayStation 4 Packages and Keys by the legendary maxton (R.I.P.), today PS4Scene developer @flatz announced on Twitter the release of an ongoing PKG_PFS_Tool project spanning several years that unpacks PS4 PKGs / PFS / Save Games and can generate GP4 files for...
  3. PS4 PKG Information on PlayStation 4 Packages and Keys via Maxton

    Proceeding Flat_z's Write-up, the PS4 Backporting Method Outline and his recent PKGEditor EKPFS / XTS Key Support updates, PlayStation 4 developer maxton shared on Github some handy Package information including details on PS4 PKG encryption developer-controlled keys, PFS key generation, the...
  4. LibOrbisPkg PKGTool: PKGEditor for PS4 Updated by Maxton with EKPFS / XTS Key Support

    Since yesterday's PS4 PKG Backporting updates PlayStation 4 scene developer maxton of announced on Twitter that he updated the LibOrbisPkg PKGTool (LibOrbisPkg PkgEditor) adding support for EKPFS / XTS keys to access an encrypted PKG's file system alongside a keydb.json file to store...
  5. LibForge by Maxton Rock Band 4 PS4 Preview Meshes in ForgeToolGUI

    Following his LibOrbisPKG PS4 PKG Library development and Rock Band 4 Custom PS4 DLC Tools, today PlayStation 4 developer maxton shared on Twitter some OpenGL LibForge updates confirming customized Rock Band 4 (RB4) PS4 DLC meshes can be previewed in ForgeToolGUI. (y) Download...
  6. Rock Band 4 (RB4) Custom PS4 DLC Building Tools & Guide by Maxton

    On this Christmas Day following his PS4 PFS Extractor Tool, GameArchives updates, MakePFS Utility for building PlayStation File System images and recent LibOrbisPKG Library for generating PS4 DLC packages developer maxton shared on Twitter a guide on creating Rock Band 4 (RB4) customs alongside...
  7. LibOrbisPKG: Library for PS4 PKGs in Development by Maxton

    Many may remember PlayStation 4 developer maxton releasing GameArchives ArchiveExplorer (latest version HERE) with PS4 PFS support followed by MakePFS to build PS4 PlayStation File System images, well today he's committed a new project to Github called LibOrbisPkg which aims to be a library for...
  8. MakePFS: Utility to Build PS4 PFS (PlayStation File System) Images

    We covered how to bypass PFS protection and we've seen PFS Keys recently, and now developer maxton (Twitter) of the PlayStation 4 PFS extractor GameArchives has released MakePFS which is utility to build a PS4 PFS (PlayStation File System) image! :biggrinxf2: Download: / GIT...