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  1. Mira Project: PlayStation 4 Homebrew Tools by the OpenOrbis Team

    Proceeding the Orbis Lib Generator today the OpenOrbis Team released a PS4 homebrew platform known as Mira Project featuring a collection of PlayStation 4 homebrew tools for use with a Jailbroken PS4 Console. 😍 This comes following OpenOrbis Team's Mira Project initial announcement and the...
  2. Baikal Support Added to PlayStation 4 Linux Loader by Valeery

    Since the PSXITArch Linux v2 Guide, Spine PS4 Emulator for Linux Demo, CECPS4 Linux Scripts and PS4 Gentoo Linux development updates support for the Baikal chip was recently added to the PlayStation 4 Linux Loader by Valeery... which according to PSXITA should help those who have experienced the...
  3. PS4 Linux Installation Guide

    A few days back PlayStation 4 developer kr105 released a PS4 Linux Loader Patch for 1.76 Firmware, and here's a follow-up PS4 Linux Installation Guide detailing how to install and run PS4 Linux from D-ecks via Wololo. How to Install and Run Linux on your PS4 AT THE TIME OF THIS WRITING, THIS...