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  1. PS4PRX: PS4 SPRX Modules Creation and Loading Detailed by Swaqq

    Following the PS4 CoD: AW Mod, PS3 SPRX / EBOOT Game Mods and recent PS4API update today PlayStation 4 developer SwaqqDev shared PS4PRX details on creating and loading PS4 SPRX modules including a prx_writeup.pdf and PS4Prx.exe PS4 SPRX Loader utility. :cool: Download: (430.05 KB) /...
  2. PS4 AIO v1.6.0 with 4.55 Firmware Support by MODDED WARFARE

    Since his previous update, today PlayStation 4 developer @MODDEDWARFARE released PS4 AIO v1.6.0 with 4.55 Firmware Support in both an Installer and Portable version on his new Twitter account! :fire: Download: PS4-AIO-Setup 1.6.0.exe (43.1 MB) / PS4-AIO Portable (42.7 MB) Also below...
  3. FTPS4: Debug & UART Output by Mistawes, 4.05 Hitodama ELF Loader

    Following the PS4 4.05 UART Enabler, his PS4 kernel dumping hardware project and the recent LibFTPS4 Fix PlayStation 4 developer @Mistawes shared FTPS4 on Twitter this weekend which currently offers root FTP with Debug Settings and UART output. :smilexf2: Download: / GIT /...