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  1. RetroGamer74

    How to Compile and Build with Unity for PS4 FPKG by RetroGamer74

    Hi everyone, I was finally able to compile and run packages using Unity, many of you ask to me how to do it so I wrote a tutorial which can also be found below. I hope many of you join to the PlayStation 4 scene and help developing PS4 homebrew, or follow THIS guide via VitaHex covering how to...
  2. RetroGamer74

    Unity PS4 HEN Compilation Demo by RetroGamer74

    Thanks for sharing Unity. I'm in :) A sneak peak compilation demo video is below. Also here is ALPHA-V2.pkg (NPXS29111-app.rar) from LightningMods followed by v3-455.pkg (4.55) Alpha-V3.pkg (5.05) with changes outlined below and a Fake Version Patch by jocover as Unity 2017.2.0p2 requires 4.70...