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Over the weekend following the previous updates comes a HFW v1.04 (9.03) PS4 PKG for 9.00 by xxxxxxxYYY (wishes to remain anonymous) alongside a fully backported Horizon Forbidden West v1.17 (9.60) PS4 PKG by @CyB1K (Cyberpt1000's Ko-fi <3) with help from @jocover (Github / Twitter) and details on each release below! 🥳

For those with a Jailbroken PS4 console in the PlayStation 4 Scene, here's the file information on the PS4 FPKGs from the ongoing CUSA24705 and CUSA28561 topics in the private area for Verified Members (Verification Guide):

:arrow: CUSA24705

[CUSA24705] Horizon Forbidden West + Update 1.04 [FW 9.00]

It's enough to test it.
  • HFW-CUSA24705.part001.rar - HFW-CUSA24705.part168.rar & HFW-CUSA24705.part001.rev - HFW-CUSA24705.part025.rev (82.80 GB)

  • HFW_CUSA24705_v1.00_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part001.rar - HFW_CUSA24705_v1.00_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part166.rar & HFW_CUSA24705_v1.04_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part1.rar - HFW_CUSA24705_v1.04_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part4.rar (82.80 GB)
:arrow: Horizon Forbidden West CUSA24705 Added 1.17 Update (This update your EUR (xxxxxxxYYY release) version to 1.17, but your lose all dubs from EUR and are replaced with the US dub)
  • EP9000-CUSA24705_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0117.part1.rar - HFW_CUSA24705_v1.00_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part166.rar & HFW_CUSA24705_v1.04_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part1.rar - HFW_CUSA24705_v1.04_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.part4.rar (85.14 GB)

  • EP9000-CUSA24705_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0117.pkg (2.34 GB) / HFW_CUSA24705_v1.00_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.pkg (80.99 GB) / HFW_CUSA24705_v1.04_[9.00]_xxxxxxxYYY.pkg (1.80 GB)
🪞 Credit goes to @dorukhan for the mirrors.

:arrow: CUSA28561

[CUSA28561] Horizon Forbidden West Update v1.17 Fully Backported


  • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0100-V0100-CyB1K.pkg (71.27 GB)
Update Backported (5.05):
  • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-5.05-CyB1K.pkg (2.34 GB)
    • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-5.05-CyB1K.pkg(2.34 GB)
      • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-5.05-PROPER-CyB1K.pkg (2.34 GB - PROPER SHA1: 2B9B8185A62BE7E9B1013796D209498FCB40A069)
Update Backported (6.72+):
  • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-6.72-CyB1K.pkg (2.34 GB - Fixed SHA1: E785CA756BC40FC51E88CCB37798AB36B4AE4BE9)
    • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-6.72-jocover.pkg(2.34 GB - [CUSA28561] Horizon Forbidden West Update v1.17 6.72 Fix Patch by @jocover - SHA1: FA2B4949FDE364FD91DC33EFEC28F710E9BC0FCC)
      • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-6.72-PROPER-CyB1K.pkg (2.34 GB - PROPER SHA1: 33A76131BA2EB6DD636FDAD8D26FDD4B2624D1C9)
Update (9.00+):
  • UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0117-V0100-9.00-CyB1K.pkg (2.34 GB)
Install The Base Game "UP9000-CUSA28561_00-FORBIDDENWESTPS4-A0100-V0100-CyB1K.pkg" Then Install This Update (No Fixes Required)

Credits to Hypermist and Kameleon for testing my insane ideas on their 9.00 ps4s and log it, My pal Arczi for being too busy with his bathroom to help me :D (Joke he helped me fix 6.72 again after i broke it fixing DLCs), The World Ismine for playtesting and reporting the crash on 5.05, Masamune for the mental support and all knowing knowledge and tips, DeathRGH for teaching me backtracing, the fans who supported me, Notzecoxao for not believing in me lol Fugazi who will work on the DLCs for this, and the beggars who are a pain in the ass!

Massive thanks to jocover for rewriting me the aio libraries to bypass the kernel bug and for all the patches and tests we did together! I will also dedicate this release to DRK who is ukrainian surviving the current hell they are living and i used his awesome entitlement access prx on this game! That which solved MK11 and many other DLC issues in games!

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 Backport! Tested on 5.05! I recommend using the 5.05 backport on 5.05 only and 6.72 one for anything else. I think jocover ended up fixing the last of the crashes from the kernel bug, you might still get a crash so just to make sure i recommend making save backups regularly! I repeated the game from start till the point of the earlier permacrash and i havent had a single crash anymore! Sorry for those who had to wait but you know i focus on 5.05 always :)

Notes (PROPERs): I had to rebuild the 2 updates backported once again!!! (5.05 and 6.72+) with a new function in entitlement access that jocover wrote, without this function the DLCs wouldnt work, the DLCs will be done by Fugazi who sent me them to test and fix something on the backports if needed.


By CyB1K
Horizon Forbidden West (HFW) v1.04 (9.03) & v1.17 (9.60) PS4 PKGs!.png


I'm playing the ps4 disc version on my ps5 and I happy that you can play now this game on ps4 :)

I will get it for my ps4 pro too. Development menu possible? :)

Thank you for your job.
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