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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter purplekillaz1       2      
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so i want to learn to develop webkits and start dumping code and learning how to jailbreak consoles where do i start?

i know i need to learn CSS and js but where and how yes i am aware it would take me a while to learn css and js

what equipment do i need? there's nothing on the internet about this stuff and i am starting to wonder how other developers learn how to hack/develop jailbreaks for consoles if anybody can give something i can read or some website where i can learn about CSS and js or the operating system i need to be on in virtual box
There are a lot of javascript crash tests around, for example some linked HERE, HERE, etc to examine and learn from.

As for coding, according to one of the PS4 devs here is what else they recommend learning if you want to help the scene out:

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