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  1. PlayStation 4 JailbreakME Exploit Developer Qwertyoruiopz's PS4 Stack

    Since his confirmation on 4/20 of PS4 4.55 dumped and recent PS4 Micro BiOS / PS4 SYSCON MEME's from others, PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiopz shared a picture on Twitter of three PlayStation 4 consoles: a PS4 4.55 Stock model, a PS4 4.06 Jailbroken console and a PS4 4.55 Jailbroken console...
  2. Native Linux / PS4 Development on Windows Tutorial by Kiwidog

    Yesterday we reported on the HENkaku PS4 Exploit port and now Kiwidog shared a Native Linux / PS4 Development on Windows Tutorial with other PlayStation 4 developers! :cool: Here are some recent Tweets from A-Town Thomas as diwidog: And below is an introduction from the PlayStation 4...