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  1. Script for PS4 Decrypted PUP Info by SocraticBliss

    Following his PS4 Syscon Loader Python Script, today PlayStation 4 developer @SocraticBliss shared via Twitter a Python script to display detailed information of a decrypted PS4 PUP file while sending @flatz thanks on Twitter. :geek: This comes proceeding the PS4 PUP_Decrypt...
  2. FRMCHK: Identify PS4 Games in Firmware Groups by DefaultDNB (KiiWii)

    As the PlayStation 4 scene inches closer to a 6.72 full jailbreak since the 7.02 Kernel Exploit and 6.72 WebKit Port releases, today developer and homebrew tester extraordinaire @DEFAULTDNB shared via Twitter what he calls FRMCHK which is a Web-based database to identify PS4 games in set /...
  3. PSDLCIndex: PlayStation Store PS4 DLC Indexer by GarnetSunset

    Earlier this month we saw a PS4Updates Python script, and recently PlayStation 4 developer @OctopusRift aka GarnetSunset (Twitter) made available a PlayStation Store DLC Index script tool called psDLCIndex which can be used to scrape / download PS4 PKG downloadable content. :D Download...
  4. by Zer0xFF and PS4 Title Update Checker by PoSsvkey

    Following the PS4 Game Updates PKG Guide, his recent ReactPSPLUS work and the PS4 Game Saves FPKG Guide today Zer0xFF shared a python script with details on how PS4 games update meta data followed by a PS4 Title Update Checker live demo via PoSsvkey. :ninja: Download...
  5. PS4 CUSA Detector Beta for 4.55 and Below Base Versions by KiiWii

    Proceeding the PS4 Games Minimum Firmware Lists, List of PS4 Game Updates Requiring 4.55 or Lower and recent KiiWii SELF HOST INDEX V4.5 update, today @DEFAULTDNB let us know they're seeking data from testers for the CUSA Detector Beta which aims to detect PS4 games with 4.55 base versions and...