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  1. Godfall PS5 Reveal Trailer, Bring on the Next-Gen PlayStation 5 Scene!

    Like many when first seeing this, I did a double take to make sure my eyes were really seeing a PS5 game trailer... lo and behold it actually is a PlayStation 5 game trailer for the upcoming third-person fantasy looter-slasher Godfall focusing on melee combat. šŸ˜ Developed by Counterplay Games...
  2. PlayStation 5 (PS5) Pre-order Notification Sign Ups Available at Retailers!

    Although no PS5 Price has been confirmed yet, those seeking a launch day PS5 console during the Holiday 2020 season may want to sign up at various retailers to receive an email notification when PlayStation 5 pre-orders officially open... you can do so as of today at stores including Best Buy...