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  1. TRSI Seeks PS4 *** & Decryption Method Testers, Scene EBOOT Dumps

    Following the previous PS4 EPEEN release and today's PS VitaShell 1.3 / v1.31 updates, PlayStation scene group TRSi recently announced (NFO) they are looking for PS4 developers to test out their PlayStation 4 *** and decryption methods! (-8 Below is a quote from their...
  2. Vitamin PS Vita Game Backups Playable as VPKs by Team FreeK!

    Following news of Adventure Time and Tokyo Xanadu, today Team FreeK shared a Vitamin PS Vita video demonstrating Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved being decrypted and made into a VPK File for use with HENkaku! (y) Check out the Vitamin PSVita by Team FreeK videos below alongside some related...
  3. Tokyo Xanadu Rumored as First Decrypted PS Vita Game Backup

    Previously we reported on the PlayStation Vita developer leak of Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom which ran in HENkaku via VitaShell, and now Tokyo Xanadu is rumored to be the first decrypted PS Vita 3.60 Firmware VPK game backup! :geek: Download: (2.28 GB) / PS...