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  1. Flat_z Confirms PS5 Hypervisor Exploitation from PS4 Save Game!

    It's Christmas in July! 🎄🏖️🌴 Proceeding the PS5 Root Keys & Debug Settings, PS4 CCP Bug on SAMU Key Slots for Saves, PS5 ELF Loader Plugin with Symbols, Reversing AMD's Platform Security Processor (PSP) and Exploring the PS5 Security Landscape presentation developer @flatz announced on Twitter...
  2. PS5 Homebrew Proof-of-Concept (PoC) & Libhijacker by Astrelsky for PS5Scene

    Proceeding his GhidraOrbis Plugin, PS5 homebrew developer astrelsky recently made available a proof-of-concept pack consisting of a script, spawner.elf and test_elf.elf including libhijacker source code for those in the PS5Scene to try out via port 9030 on exploited consoles...
  3. Exploring the PS5 Security Landscape by SpecterDev at 2023

    Recently shared a code riddle on Twitter, later confirming that @SpecterDev (Twitter) "will showcase the evolving attack surface & ushering in of modern mitigations like Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP), (SMEP) etc + investigate the internal workings of the PS5's hypervisor."...
  4. PS5 4.03 Kernel Exploit Payload.bin Loader Host by Sleirsgoevy

    PS5Scene developer @sleirsgoevy shared a PS5 4.03 Kernel Exploit Payload.bin Loader Host via Twitter over the weekend, noting that while ELF payloads are not currently supported it accepts payloads in PLD (.bin) format on PS5 Firmware 4.03 for those interested in decrypting executables (as...
  5. PS5 1.00-6.50 Firmware & PS4 8.00-10.01 Firmware WebKit Vulnerability

    This weekend a WebKit: Use-after-free of RenderMathMLToken in CSSCrossfadeValue::crossfadeChanged vulnerability via Project Zero was reported to scene developers and found to be working on PS5 1.00-6.50 Firmware and PS4 8.00-10.01 Firmware with @zecoxao on Twitter stating, "I think the almighty...
  6. Playing NES Games via PS5 BD-J Emulation with PS3Filer's NES Emulator

    Following the Online NES / SNES / MegaDrive / MS-DOS Emulators playable via PS5's Web Browser and PS5 BD-J Emulation updates, @jose gozalez shared on Twitter some brief instructions and videos from his @TeRex777 YouTube Channel over the weekend for using the NES Emulator in PS3Filer from...
  7. PS5 JAR Loader iSO: Remote JAR Loader for PlayStation 5 & PS5-Versions.elf

    Proceeding the PS5 BDJSDK, John Tornblom's Updates, PS5 ELF Loader, Homebrew PS5SDK (WIP) and PS5 Debug Settings updates comes a PS5 JAR Loader which is a Remote JAR Loader for PlayStation 5 from Hammer-83 on Github that utilizes the previously released BD-J Vulnerability alongside a...
  8. PS5 IPV6 Kernel Exploit v1.02 / v1.03 & PS5SDK / PS5 PayloadSDK

    Proceeding the PlayStation 5 KEX v1.01 and IPV6 PS5 Kernel Exploit 3.xx-4.xx, today PS5Scene developer @SpecterDev announced on Twitter a PS5 IPV6 Kernel Exploit v1.02 / 1.03 Update alongside a Homebrew PS5SDK work-in-progress (WIP) and PS5 PayloadSDK from John Tornblom following the previously...
  9. FTPS5: Persistent PS5 FTP Payload for 4.03 / 4.50 / 4.51 & FTPS5 Fork

    Following the previous PS5 FTP for Webkit 4.03 / 4.50 / 4.51 comes FTPS5 v1.1 forked on Github via SiSTR0, allowing for a persistent PS5 FTP Payload on hacked 4.03 / 4.50 / 4.51 Firmware consoles in the PlayStation 5 Scene alongside an FTPS5 v1.2 PS5 FTP fork for the Webkit 3.XX / 4.XX via...
  10. TheFlow0's BD-JB Sandbox Escape at Hexacon, PS5 PUP Unpacker / Decrypt via Zecoxao

    As previously announced, today Security Engineer Andy Nguyen (aka theflow0) spoke at Hexacon 2022 discussing his BD-JB: Blu-ray Disc Java Sandbox Escape (PDF) for PS4 / PS5 previously presented at this year's conference prior to disclosing PS5 Kernel Access via PS4 Exploit and the...