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  1. New PS4 / PS5 Game Dumps by CyB1K, DUPLEX, GrimDoe & Opoisso893

    Here's a new batch of PS4 Scene and PS5 Scene game dumps courtesy of @CyB1K on Twitter with help from @Archi55 and special thanks to @d33j4y, TRIFECTA (@Grief247allday, @jwooh and @stripnwild) and The World ismine, scene group DUPLEX, @GrimDoe on Twitter (OfflineConsole on YouTube) and...
  2. More PS4 FPKG Updates + DLC and PS5 Game Dumps Released

    Proceeding The Quarry v1.07 PROPER PS4 FPKGs and the compiled pPLAY v3.09 Video Player PS4 PKG comes more games and DLC by backporter @CyB1K on Twitter with help from @Archi55 and special thanks to @xmrallx, @opoisso893 on Twitter with help from @golemnight and scene group DUPLEX for both the...
  3. Latest PS5 Game Dumps by BedroZen and PS4 FPKGs by Opoisso893

    Here's the latest PS5 Game Dumps by @BedroZen on Twitter alongside some PS4 Fake PKGs by @opoisso893 on Twitter with help from @golemnight to play on PlayStation 4 Jailbroken consoles in the PS4Scene and PlayStation 5 Hacked consoles in the PS5Scene. 😃 Below are the Tweets and release details...
  4. PS5 DLC PS4 FPKG Patches by BedroZen, More DUPLEX & Opoisso893 Dumps!

    Alongside the PS4 / PS5 EBOOT DLC Patcher for FPKGs comes some PS5 DLC PS4 FPKG Patches by @BedroZen on Twitter, more DUPLEX PS5 Game Dumps with PS5 NFOs and new updates from @opoisso893 on Twitter with help from @golemnight for those in the PS4Scene and PS5Scene to enjoy via the 4.03 PS5HEN PS4...
  5. PS4 / PS5 EBOOT DLC Patcher Python Script for FPKGs by IdleSauce

    Developer idlesauce on Github released a PS4 / PS5 EBOOT DLC Patcher Python Script crediting @jocover for discovering the functions used to load DLCs intended for use with PlayStation 4 Fake PKGs running on Exploited PlayStation 5 consoles where the PS4 DLC FPKGs currently aren't working. 🤩...
  6. Sony Rolls Out PS5 9.00 Beta Firmware Update and Changes Detailed

    Today Sony rolled out their latest PS5 9.00 Beta Firmware / System Software Update to invited PlayStation 5 Beta Testers in select countries (U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., Germany and France) featuring DualSense Wireless Controller sound enhancements and Share Screen interactions among the changes...
  7. More PS4 Fake PKGs and PS5 Game Dumps by CyB1K and BedroZen

    Here's some more PS4 FPKGs and PS5 Game Dumps courtesy of @CyB1K on Twitter and @BedroZen on Twitter to play on Jailbroken PlayStation 4 consoles in the PS4Scene and Hacked PlayStation 5 consoles in the PS5Scene. 🤩 You can support these ongoing PS4 game dumping and backporting efforts via the...
  8. New PS5 Game Dumps by DUPLEX, LiGHTFORCE & More PS4 FPKGs

    Since returning to the scene last month, DUPLEX is raising the bar once again in the PS5 Scene as 'more than just dumping' from their latest PS5 NFOs stating that a standard dump ended up in a non-working game... so as done countless times before (including Removing Mandatory Online & PS4 Title...
  9. PS22PS4 (PS2 2 PS4) and PS22PS5 (PS2 2 PS5) Apps by Markus95

    Proceeding his Saturn2PS5 App and PC to PS4 Textures Converter UE4 App comes PS22PS4 (PS2 2 PS4) and PS22PS5 (PS2 2 PS5) homebrew applications by developer @Markus95 (aka @Kus00095) on Twitter for those interested in converting PS2 Games for use PS4 Jailbroken consoles and PS5 Exploited consoles...
  10. Latest PS4 Game FPKG Updates and PS5 Game Dumps

    Following the previous batch comes some PS4 Game FPKG Updates thanks to @opoisso893 on Twitter with help from @golemnight (Twitter), @jocover (Twitter) and testing by @softstar (Twitter) for those in the PS4Scene with a PS4 Jailbroken console alongside more PS5 Game Dumps courtesy of @c4our20...