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  1. PKG2Zip by MMOZeiko for Decrypting / Zipping PS Vita PKG Files

    Those seeking an alternative to PKGDecrypt may want to check out PKG2Zip by mmozeiko, which decrypts PlayStation Vita PKG files and creates zip packages optionally embedding a NoNpDrm license into the work.bin file. :cool: Download: pkg2zip (32bit / 64bit) / GIT / pkg2zip.exe / Yoti GIT Fork /...
  2. PS Vita PFS (PlayStation File System) Keys Documented by St4rk!

    Following his PKGDecrypt homebrew application, PlayStation Vita developer St4rk documented the PS Vita PFS (PlayStation File System) encryption and secret keys today on the Wiki for developers! :ninja: In addition, since our last GameArchives ArchiveExplorer update (Latest Version) the...
  3. PKGDecrypt by St4rk Arrives, Decrypts PS Vita Package (PKG) Files

    Just recently we saw support for kernel dumping added to VitaDump, and today PlayStation Vita developer St4rk released PKGDecrypt which decrypts and extracts PS Vita Package (PKG) files! :lovexf2: Download: / GIT / vitakeys (fixed) / vitatool (fixed) / PKG EXTRACTOR AND...
  4. PS4Link Gets Peek & Poke Added, VitaDump Supports Kernel Dumping!

    Over the weekend we covered some PS4Link news, and today PlayStation developer @zecoxao announced on Twitter that Peek and Poke support is now added to the PS4Link GIT alongside PS Vita kernel dumping to St4rk's VitaDump GIT with details below! <3 Download: PS4Link VirtualMemQuery Sample via...