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  1. PS4 Renesas RL78 Debug Protocol Implementation by Fail0verflow

    Following the PS4 SysCon Renesas Chip Image and updates by droogie, PS4 Glitch Pinout research via @juansbeck (Twitter) and their PS4 Aux Hax Parts 1-4 today fail0verflow shared with PlayStation 4 scene developers their implementation of Renesas debug protocols for RL78 (and perhaps other...
  2. PSV Trophies Fixer v1.0 VPK and PS Vita Demo by Yoti Dev

    Following his PSPgo Fake-Pair Tool v0.4, PlayStation Vita developer @Yoti made available PSV Trophies Fixer v1.0 followed by a PSV NoPsmDrm Fixer on Twitter today featuring graphic design from 1upus and additional details below. :ninja: Download: trophies_fixer.vpk / GIT / nopsmdrm_fixer.vpk /...
  3. HENkaku Installs VitaShell 0.7 Now, Offline Installer from XYZZ

    Following HENkaku Offline Hosting, today Team Molecule announced that HENkaku now installs VitaShell 0.7 and that a PlayStation Vita HENkaku offline installer is also available from PS Vita developer XYZZ. Download: offlineInstaller.vpk / Source code (zip) / Source code (tar.gz) / Latest...