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PS3 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter caghandemir       10      
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Also, if a game contains a file such as an EBOOT.BIN that's signed for a specific Firmware (4.21 for example) then it won't work on a newer Firmware (4.80 for example) because the keys used to sign it were keys from 4.21 and 4.80 uses different keys.
I think its a bit different...
There are 2 types of "keys": one for ENcrypting (signing) [privat] and one for DEcrypting (running) [public]
  1. An unmodified official sony EBOOT.BIN signed for 4.21 will ofc run on 4.80 OFW.
  2. We can only sign with 3.55-Keys (EBOOT.BINs/SELFS/etc.)
  3. On OFW3.56 and up, the 3.55-Keys are blacklisted resulting in a 80010017
  4. On every CFW there is no blacklist, so we can run 3.55 singed files AND all official sony signed files up to the CFW you got:
    So on CFW 4.21 you can run all files singed with official keys (3.56-4.21) and even the blacklisted 3.55 ones but not official files greater than 4.21 (4.25-4.81)
Hope this clears it up a bit.
So what we need would be the 3.56+ private signing keys (at best the 4.81 ones :p).
But before one would bruteforce that, one would better bruteforce the PUP signing keys :p

Also there are different kinds for different contents: like NPDRM etc. but we are not ps3devwiki here^^
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