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Category Nintendo       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Mar 2, 2016 at 7:16 PM       Replies 2      
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Following the Wii-U Homebrew WIP, today Nintendo Wii-U homebrew developer Dimok789 released a Homebrew Launcher followed by v1.1 for WiiU owners alongside a full (runs Loadiine, Homebrew Launcher, etc) WiiU Kernel Exploit confirmed via NWPlayer1234 and Marionumber1 for Wii U 5.5.0 and 5.5.1 versions with videos below!


Wii U IOSU Hack Tools.jpg

Wii U 5.5 Kernel Exploit.jpg


This is really Great/Useful
Since I just recently got a Wii U
On OFW 5.0.0 from a PAWN Shop
For under $100 Bucks ! Thanks :D
I updated the OP with some of the more recent developments including the Kernel Exploit for Wii U 5.5.0 and 5.5.1, IOSUHax and Homebrew_Launcher v1.2 RC3 with links to tutorials and videos.

I wish I had time for follow Nintendo stuff more closely, but PlayStation is really my main interest these days. :D
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