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  1. PS5 Game File Dumper by Jeroendev One (Nomadic20000)

    Proceeding the PS5 SELF Dumper, PS5 DB Backup Payload, PS5 DB Rebuilder Ext for M.2 and External USB and PS5 PFSMNT Dumper updates Jeroendev One (nomadic20000 on Twitter) made available a PS5 Game File Dumper to help the PlayStation 5 Scene in obtaining PS5 Game Backups (File Dumps) with testing...
  2. PS5 DB Rebuilder Ext for M.2 and External USB by Jeroendev One

    Earlier this month the PS5Scene saw a PS5 Database Backup Payload by developer Jeroendev One on Github, and recently he updated his repository with a PS5 DB Rebuilder Ext for M.2 and External USB script to use on PlayStation 5 consoles. :geek: Download: / GIT...
  3. PS5 DB Backup Payload for Databases & PS5 RPC Client by Jeroendev One

    Following the PS5 PayloadSDK and PS5 Payload ELFLDR, developer Jeroendev One aka nomadic20000 on Twitter made available a PS5 DB Backup Payload on Github with further details below for those in the PlayStation 5 Scene who own Exploitable PS5 3.xx-4.xx Consoles alongside a PS5 RPC Client (PS5...
  4. PS5 PKG Update Links and PS5 XML Update Checker Python Script

    Proceeding the PS5 XML Updaters, first PS5 PKGs, PS5UPDATE.PUP Unpacker via BLSUnpack, PS5 Firmware Checker, PS5 Scene Game Dumps and PS5 Error Codes today 1jtp8sobiu shared a PS5 PKG project on Github that includes a PS5 XML Update Checker Python script alongside some PS5 XML JSON (JavaScript...
  5. PS4 Package (PKG) Searchable Database by Octolus

    Awhile back we reported on a PS4 PKG Finder available at, and today Octolus announced he started a new PS4 Package (PKG) Searchable Database with an API located at (aka, currently located at followed by with automated...