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  1. Play Manager v1.08 PS3 Backup Game Manager by _Slash_ Updated

    Similar to multiMAN and following his previous revisions, PlayStation 3 developer _Slash_ recently updated his PS3 backup game manager based off IrisManager to Play Manager v1.08 with the changes below. (y) Download: Play Manager v1.08.pkg (2.6 MB) To quote from _Slash_, roughly translated...
  2. Gamesonic Manager v3.92 PS3 Game Backup Manager by Orion

    Just days ago Gamesonic Manager 3.90 was released followed by a bug fix, and today PlayStation 3 developer Orion is back with yet another update bringing the PS3 Game Backup Manager to version 3.92! Download: Gamesonic-Manager-3.92.pkg (9.3 MB) Below is a rough translation of the changes, to...
  3. Gamesonic Manager v3.90 PS3 Backup Game Manager by Orion

    Following the PS3 4.80 Firmware update, today PlayStation 3 developer Orion has updated the PS3 Backup Game Manager to GameSonic Manager v3.90 for PS3 CFW 4.80 followed by a fixed version below. Gamesonic Manager v3.90 Changelog: Updated manager with payload 4.80 (Thanks Joonie) Discless...