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  1. Prospero App0 List & BD-JB Reimplementation, PS4 9.03 / 9.04 Payload Test

    This weekend PlayStation homebrew developer bigboss (aka psxdev) made available a Prospero App0 List and also shared via Twitter a Prospero BD-JB Reimplementation based on the PS4 BD-JB / PS5 BD-JB presentation (PDF Report) from TheFloW at HardWear 2022 and @sleirsgoevy's BD-JB Base Code...
  2. Bye PAYStation 4: PS4 Hacker TheFloW Vows PlayStation 4 Disclosure

    Shortly after Sony's PlayStation Bug Bounty Program announcement that had many concerned their PlayStation 4 would become a PAYStation 4, PS4 scene hacker theflow0 reassured those holding out on updating their Firmware since his previous note that he's still going to disclose something in a few...
  3. PS4 4.55 Holy Grail (PS4HEN) by M0rph3us1987, Playground Updates

    Following the PS4Brew Full PS4 4.55 Jailbreak news earlier today, PlayStation 4 developer m0rph3us1987 has now released the PS4 4.55 Holy Grail ps4_455_holygrail.bin PS4HEN (PS4 Homebrew ENabler) payload with special thanks to flat_z which allows users to run PS4 Package (PKG) files of both...
  4. PS4 4.01 Linux Installation / Ksploit Demo at GeekPwn 2016

    Today at the GeekPwn 2016 Carnival in Shanghai Station the Pavilion Safety Research Lab shared a PS4 4.01 Linux installation / Ksploit demonstration exploit video via Chinese site Changting Technology Security Lab! :D In the video they navigate their PS4 Web browser to
  5. PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit from PlayStation 4 Dev Qwertyoruiop

    Last month a PS4 Webkit Exploit 2.XX PoC surfaced, and today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiop tweeted news of a PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit via a heap use-after-free at WebCore::TimerBase::heapPopMin() bug with a proof-of-concept incoming. :) To quote from PS4BOT on this development: Hey...
  6. mcmrc1

    Linux on PS4 Demo Running Pokemon from Fail0verflow!

    Following their recent updates, today PlayStation 4 hackers fail0verflow revealed Linux on PS4 running a Pokemon demo video from the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) hacking conference! Below is their most recent tweet and further details from Wololo as follows: The PS4 hack entry point...
  7. Michael Coppola Confirms to CTurt That PS4 Exploit May be Fixed!

    For those who've been following in recent months, PlayStation 4 developer CTurt has been hacking away at the PS4 until his hard drive failed last month: Well, according to colleague Michael Coppola things may be taking a turn for the better in the PS4 hacking world finally! :) What this...