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  1. DiscDump 50X Payload: Dump from PS4 Optical Drive to USB by Stooged

    Since his History Blocker Payload and following the Guide to Dump PS4 Disc Games and PS4 Game Backup / Decryption Tutorial, PlayStation 4 developer @stooged made available a DiscDump 50X payload to copy / dump content and files from a PS4 optical drive to a USB HDD on jailbroken 5.05 Firmware...
  2. FTP_DB_Backup-50X: Create PS4 Backups via FTP Payload by Sc0rpion

    Following the DbBackup for USB, PS4 DB Rebuilder and my PS4 RPI GUI I wrote an FTP_DB_Backup-50X .sh script that backs everything up like the DbBackup.bin Payload... but does it through an FTP Payload that doesn't require USB. Download: (Requires .NET Framework 4) /...
  3. stooged

    History Blocker Payload for Exploited PS4 Web Browser by Stooged

    Following my ApplicationCache.db release, this is just a simple payload to enable or disable the auto loading of the last page used in the PS4 webbrowser when you open it. To toggle the enable or disable state just run the payload again and it will turn it on or off. History Block: Enabled...
  4. stooged

    Offline Cache (ApplicationCache.db) Install Payload to PS4

    Following my previous update, I have created a payload to install the ApplicationCache.db for hosting offline PS4 exploits. Download: / / Source Code (GIT) / 9.00 Port fork by kmeps4 The payload contains a basic set of exploits for anyone that just...
  5. stooged

    PS4 Internal Webserver Project for ESP8266 D1 Mini by Stooged

    Yes its another esp8266 project o_O I made this for my own personal use but I will post it for other people to use too. GitHub - PS4-Server This is a project designed for the esp8266 D1 Mini to be installed inside the console much like a modchip but to provide a wifi http server and dns...
  6. stooged

    BIN2HTML: Convert .BIN Into Index.html for 5.05 Exploit and Payloads Guide

    I have had a few people asking about converting payloads to .js so I will post this here. With 5.05 we don't need to use payload.js anymore you can just make a single .html file with the exploit and payload in a single file, thank you to @XVortex you will notice this on his PS4 HEN GitHub...
  7. stooged

    Android App to Host PS4 5.05 Exploit and Payloads by Stooged

    This is an update to my Android app to host the PS4 5.0X exploit and payloads. This initial release just contains the 3 main payloads. To use it you have to setup a wifi hotspot with your phone/tablet and connect the PS4 to that hotspot or connect the phone/tablet to the same network the PS4...
  8. stooged

    ESP8266 Server From SD Card for PS4 4.55 Payloads by Stooged

    I managed to get some time to goto my local Jaycar store and pickup some ESP8266 boards and some SD breakout boards. I have put together a small example of a webserver with the files hosted off a SD card. Using an SD card allows you to update the payloads without needing to flash the ESP board...
  9. stooged

    App2USB / AppToUSB by Stooged: A Modification of PKG2USB for PS4

    I will post this as a separate thread from the PS4 PKG2USB as the 2 payloads vary and it saves confusion. Original Post: I was playing around with the ext0 mount and recreating the file structure that would be there if the pkg was installed to external storage. There is a trick I found where...
  10. stooged

    Android App to Host PS4 4.55 Exploit and Payloads by Stooged

    Following my previous release, I put together an Android app to host the 4.55 exploit and payloads. You have to setup a wifi hotspot with your phone/tablet and connect the PS4 to that hotspot or connect the phone/tablet to the same network the PS4 is on. Then install the app and open it and at...