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PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter stooged       Start date Mar 5, 2018 at 7:10 PM       920      
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I will post this as a separate thread from the PS4 PKG2USB as the 2 payloads vary and it saves confusion.

Original Post: I was playing around with the ext0 mount and recreating the file structure that would be there if the pkg was installed to external storage.

There is a trick I found where if you copy the CUSAXXXXX folder from /user/app to /mnt/ext0/user/app and then unplug the hdd and plug it back in it causes the ps4 to do a repair and then the game is recognized as installed on external storage and from there there are other issues.

BUT with the great work SiSTRo has done in PKG2USB with the symlinks its a lot easier to manage with exfat and just normal USB.

So building on his PKG2USB and symlinks I modified what I was working on for the ext0 mount to work with the usb0 or usb1 and symlinks.

:arrow: Changlog via dbsuarez

This payload searches the entire /user/app folder and copies all installed fpkg games to usb from the system drive and creates the symlinks like SiSTRo has kindly shown us the ability to do.

If you want to target a single game not the whole folder use PKG2USB.

If you install more games just run the payload again and it will copy any new games to the USB and so on.

With symlinks you are making a link to a directory so you want to pick which USB port to have the hdd on and keep it on that same port or the links will point to the wrong directory. USB0 is what I use.

Thanks again to SiSTRo, xVortex, Anonymous, CelesteBlue!

PS4 JAILBREAK 5.05 How To Use APP2USB by seanp2500
Running PS4 Games From a USB with App2USB (5.05 Jailbreak)
Download: app2usb.rar (726 Bytes - configured to export app+update+dlcs to external disc, includes app2usb.ini)
AppToUSB by Stooged A Modification of PKG2USB for PS4.jpg


Great work on this, @stooged ! Really appreciate your efforts!!

Maybe I missed in your documentation or perhaps I'm oversimplifying how the PS4 install process works, but when initially installing a fpkg and it's not on either the internal or external, with the goal of having it on the external, would it be possible to just install to the external and THEN mimic a symlink as if the fpkg was installed on the internal first?

That would cut the processing time in half, I would think, as it would not require installing to the internal first.
yeah celeste was under the impression I took their entire source and modified it.

but I never said that, I said I modified what I was working on for the ext0 mount and added parts of the source from the pkg2usb and built on the idea of using symlinks.

I didn't feel releasing the source in a broken state was viable and felt it was worth holding off until I sorted the usb port problem as 4.05 and 4.55 differ on the mount point allocation, it was like 3 days lol and I have to balance that with working nightshift in the mining industry :(

all celeste had to do was msg me on discord if there was a problem which they ended up doing last night after posting all of that and I posted the source to them in discord within 5 minutes of them asking.

it was always my intention to post the source as I post it for all of the payloads and if I have missed one let me know and I will add it to GitHub.

but its all sorted now celeste is happy
Yeah I kinda figured as much, and nice you two got in touch and sorted it out... plus I'm sure many others will appreciate you having a Github for the latest updates too :D

edited the file, it should work now, i just dont know how to compile it lol.
the process i did in comparing with root :
if a pkg from internal isn't found on usb/ps4/cusa then go through each file in the usb root folder, if it's a fake pkg then compare it with the internal package, if it's a match then move the package from usb root to usb/ps4/cusa with the name of app.pkg and link the file (using the function "rename" i found in the stdio library).
i dont know how to compile it, and it shouldn't work as it is anyway, but the script itself should work, so anybody willing to look at it feel free (a cut from the main file)

Yes, but im fighting a generic error so i am trying to work out whats needed in the db or filesystem to resolve it.

I think i need to look into setting up uart debug.
MODE MOVE works perfectly! I tested it on a big game (COD BO3-CUSA02290). It took about 20mins to move a 40+gb game.

Here's what I did for the benefit of those who aren't sure:

EXT HDD on exFat format
-Create a PS4 folder on the root of the drive
-Copy .ini file from and paste it inside the newly created PS4 folder
-open the .ini file and uncomment //MODE MOVE (uncomment means removing "//")
-paste the titleid of the game you want to move, in this case CUSA02290
here's what my .ini file looks like

To use this list as a list of games you want to move not ignore then uncomment the line below.

Example ignore or move usage.


-now connect your ext hdd to your PS4 and load ApptoUSB payload then wait for the process to finish. @stooged included notification updates on how much progress the copying is at.
-once done, restart your PS4, remove ext hdd, load hen
-try playing the game you just transferred, if you see a corrupted file message, the transfer is successful and the game is no longer stored on your internal hdd
-connect ext hdd, and start the game.

Hopefully this helps someone who is new to the scene like me. Cheers!
@stooged Sorry, going back to the topic you talked about a few pages ago:

But it would be much more convenient if the payload did it automatically for example, let's say this case:

I install the .pkg located in the root of the USB, and then to not have to reconnect the USB to the PC to rename correctly the .pkg and put them in the path that the payload does that process and then skip the step of copying the file from internal to external if the .pkg exists in the USB root. I think it would save a lot of work for the end user, please.

I think the best way would be with Checksum or looking at the file header in case there is the CUSAID.
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