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Category PS4 Guides and Tutorials       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Dec 6, 2016 at 1:12 AM       Replies 7      
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Just under a week ago we reported on PT for PS4 Decrypted followed by some PFS & PSARC Viewers / Extractors, and now emoose shared a guide on unpacking P.T. alongside some related file downloads from Playable Teaser hackers below! :veryhappy:

To quote: Here's a dictionary for the texture.qar with all textures named, based off the pathid_list_ps4 file.

MGSV-QAR-Dictionary-Project has also been updated with these filenames (-:

For anyone interested, a small guide on unpacking PT, hopefully I didn't miss anything :eyesroll::

  • Use GameArchives to open pfs_image.dat and extract chunk1.psarc & texture.qar
  • Use psarc to extract chunk1.psarc:
psarc.exe extract --input=chunk1.psarc --to=chunk1_ext
  • Copy MGSV_ResDec to extracted chunk1.psarc folder, in that folder create .bat file with the following:
@Echo off
FOR /r %%X IN (*.lua, *.fpk, *.fpkd, *.json) DO (
MGSV_ResDec.exe %%X
  • Run the .bat file you created, once it's finished all extracted chunk1.psarc files should be decrypted
  • Once decrypted, to unpack the .fpk/.fpkd files copy GzsTool to extracted chunk1.psarc folder
  • Open a command prompt to the extracted chunk1.psarc folder and run the following (don't forget the . at the end):
GzsTool.exe .
  • All .fpk/.fpkd files should now be unpacked
  • Extract MGSV QAR Tool to the same folder as texture.qar
  • Open texture.qar with a hex editor, skip to the end of the file and change the last 4 bytes "14 00 00 00" to "24 00 00 00"
  • Open a command prompt to the folder with texture.qar and QAR tool, and run the following:
MGSV_QAR_Tool.exe texture.qar -u
  • Once it's completed the texture.qar file should be fully extracted to a 'texture' folder
Credits to everyone making Fox Engine modding possible (-:

From also comes some unpacked PT FPK, FPKD & PFTXS files:

Pastebins / Models & Textures:
Thanks to @Figure03 for the news tip via Kotaku in the PSXHAX Shoutbox! :thumbup:
Extracting P.T. (Playable Teaser) PS4 Model Data and More Guide.jpg


The hacking scene is dead. I'm updating my PS4 and moving on and If any 3.55FW hack comes out, there will many of PS4s in the market that I can buy. Its time to move on, update my system, and enjoy playing video games with friends.

book the soft mod scene, it only works with Nintendo.
The hacking scene is dead. I'm updating my PS4 and moving on and If any 3.55FW hack comes out, there will many of PS4s in the market that I can buy. Its time to move on, update my system, and enjoy playing video games with friends.

book the soft mod scene, it only works with Nintendo.

i wouldnt say that its dead but everything is kept secret. Not that people have to release what they find but if they do find something why bother telling. I updated my ps4 because lets face it. Even if something gets released playing online will be impossible. Sony will be around the clock banning consoles and banning users. This isnt the ps3 or the xbox360. Both companies are locking down on modified consoles.
i wouldnt say that its dead but everything is kept secret. Not that people have to release what they find but if they do find something why bother telling. I updated my ps4 because lets face it. Even if something gets released playing online will be impossible. Sony will be around the clock banning consoles and banning users. This isnt the ps3 or the xbox360. Both companies are locking down on modified consoles.

I agree.. plus i think xbox one hack will be released soon and not PS4
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