Last year we saw Linux Running on PS4 from fail0verflow, and this coming December Hector Martin will follow-up with a talk on PlayStation 4 hardware and reverse-engineering at this year's Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) hacking conference which runs from December 27-30th in Hamburg, Germany.
To quote via the 33C3 Scheduling Page (Chaos Communication Congress Schedule 33) from their Events blog:
Last year, we demonstrated Linux running on the PS4 in a lightning talk - presented on the PS4 itself. But how did we do it?
In a departure from previous Console Hacking talks focusing on security, this year we're going to focus on the PS4 hardware, what makes it different from a PC, and how we reverse engineered it enough to get a full-blown Linux distro running on it, complete with 3D acceleration.
Marcan's talk will be held on Day 1 (2016-12-27) at 23:00 so around 5:00 PM (17:00) EST and live streaming will be available at (CCC Events Twitter) and thanks to @raedoob for the news tip in the PSXHAX Shoutbox earlier today!
To quote via the 33C3 Scheduling Page (Chaos Communication Congress Schedule 33) from their Events blog:
Last year, we demonstrated Linux running on the PS4 in a lightning talk - presented on the PS4 itself. But how did we do it?
In a departure from previous Console Hacking talks focusing on security, this year we're going to focus on the PS4 hardware, what makes it different from a PC, and how we reverse engineered it enough to get a full-blown Linux distro running on it, complete with 3D acceleration.
Marcan's talk will be held on Day 1 (2016-12-27) at 23:00 so around 5:00 PM (17:00) EST and live streaming will be available at (CCC Events Twitter) and thanks to @raedoob for the news tip in the PSXHAX Shoutbox earlier today!