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PS3 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter Jbliz       5      
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I have some PSN Game, more than 10 games on HDD Internal. Some games running after using reActPSN and some others required RAP file in order to play. The matter is that I can't find RAP file anywhere on Internet, PSNStuff or PSNDL.

How can I create RAP file? TIA
As far as I know if you can't find the RAP on PSNStuff / PSNDL you'd have to get it from the game itself using the RIF, act.dat file and PS3's IDPS to create it.

There are a few guides on activating RAPs used to decrypt PS3 EBOOT / EDAT files HERE, and also this GUI that may be of use to convert the game RIFs to RAP files.
I'm getting error. It says bad act.dat


So I'm really confusing here, I have two act.dat. One generated by reActPSN and one generated by download some content from PlayStation Store.

Here act.dat from reActPSN

Here act.dat from PlayStation Store

both of them result bad act.dat

Here is my idps.bin, I create this use HX-D since I can't use IDPSViewer to dump. Is this correct idps?

I attach rif file that I try to convert


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Hopefully someone here who still does this will be able to better-assist you, I sold my PS3 before I got a launch PS4 a few years ago so I'm not 'that guy' unfortunately.

If you wanted to try to self-teach until then, here are some useful (updated) links from euss, to quote:
tools to use:

how it works:
There may be a far easier way to do all this by now, I ran across an act.dat and RIF generator on Google from @zecoxao but the link was dead... I can try to look for a backup of if in my archives if you think it may help?
I found the file and mirrored it for you here:

However, it appears to just be PHP scripts... so unless you know PHP (I don't) it may not be as useful as I initially thought. :X3:

Also from THIS guide, to quote: RAP to RIF editor:

r2r editor is easy it allows you to "re write" security for rap files. all u need is your PS3 IDPS (make copy of flash using multiman then open ps3tools by aldo you will see "get ps3 id" open that and drag/drop your copy of flash into it save IDPS in dat folder) and act.dat (get it in multiman press select and start its in HDD0\home\exdata\ user account) and move act.dat into data folder.

you also want to create a folder called "exdata" and have all your rap and edat files you want to activate in it. now double click r2r editor exe. and when the first screen comes up push "y" and it will resign your files with your ps3 info making rif files. double click the r2r exe again this time press "n" then press "y" after thats done move files from the newly made rap folder to a folder on usb flash drive called "exdata". now you need to activate with reactpsn.

Finally, some other files from HERE to tinker with until someone else can lend a hand:
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