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This is a user-friendly tutorial on how to play your favorite PlayStation 2 games on your jailbroken PlayStation 4 as can be seen HERE. I am not going to go into specifics here; but if you need help or have a question, feel free to reply and I will answer.

1. Download the ps2emu.rar and Fake PKG Tools_1v1.rar (look above)
2. Extract both archives (as you would...)
3. Put your favorite PlayStation 2 game ISO in the ps2emu\image\ folder
4. Rename the iso to 'disc01.iso' (the emulator can take multiple discs, but this is more advanced and you have to specify things in lua or the command line arguments)
5. Go to sce_sys and edit 'param.sfo' with 'orbis-pub-sfo.exe'
a. Change content ID to (UP9000-CUSAXXXXX_00-SCUS974900000001) where XXXXX is any string of numbers
b. The content ID can be somewhat random, but has to be in the enforced format. Who really cares what you do, but the original emulated game (Rogue Galaxy) was like this and I just decided to change the title ID portion.
c. Go to Title Text tab and change the text to the title of your game (ex. Ratchet & Clank, Crash Bandicoot)
6. Save the param.sfo
7. In Fake PKG Tools, rename 'orbis-pub-cmd-ps2.exe' to 'orbis-pub-cmd.exe' (delete or rename original 'orbis-pub-cmd.exe')
8. Open 'orbis-pub-gen.exe'
9. Double click on 'Image0' (we are going to add the files from ps2emu, including disc01.iso/disc0X.iso)
10. Drag and drop all the files from ps2emu into the Image0 Root (right side is files, left is directory view)

Drag.png Drop.png
11. Go to the chunk tab and assign all files to Chunk #0

Assign all files.png
12. Exit Image Settings view
13. Goto Command -> Project Settings -> Package

a. Paste in your content ID that you put in your param.sfo
b. Generate a passcode (or use IvBkwybGjpTdC1uijHBWbQR-XSFXgKqc because I am using it for everything)
c. Change Application Type (at the bottom) to Freemium App
14. Click build, select output directory. Click build?
15. If you get the error, "Could not create system file. sce_discmap.plt"
- Hit close, double click Image0, try to reasign Chunks (you should have already)
- Then try to build again. I think this is some sort of glitch?
16. Have fun playing your favorite PlayStation 2 games!

You can decompile eboot.bin and see all the command line options for the emulator.
I also recommend changing --ps2-title-id in 'config-emu-ps4.txt' for consistency sake (but who cares?).

If there are an problems with my tutorial, please notify me!

g991 <3

Making and Testing Some Random PS2 Games for PS4
How to Create Fake PS2 PKGs for PS4HEN Tutorial
Building Fake PS2 PKGs for da PS4 HEN -With- Proper PS2 IDs (Voice-Tutorial)
How To Make PS2 PKG For PS4 (Quick & Dirty) by MasterTurkey
HOW TO PLAY PS2 GAMES ON PS4 (PS2 Classics ver 4.55 by ZappTheMann
How to Install PS2 Games on a Jailbroken PS4 Firmware 4.55 or Lower
Finally, here is a Github Repository of custom configuration files for the PS2 emulator used in PS4 by kozarovv for those interested. (y)



How to run PS2 Unreleased/Dev Builds games on your Modded PS4! [PART 1]
How to run PS2 Unreleased/Dev Builds games on your Modded PS4! [PART 2]
How to run PlayStation 2 Games on your Modded PS4
How to Create Emulated PS2 PS4 Packages (PKGs) Guide by G991!.jpg


There are plenty of PS2 ports for PS4 that use this emulator. I personally am not going to do the research, but you can all feel free to look at other ports and find out how to fix issues you have with all your games. Look into the options yourselves, I've already posted information pertaining to figuring it out.
downloading currently, will be testing as quick as possible

thank you so much
btw the warriors would be great too

best ps2 game imo

Just tested mafia, ends up on black screen unfortunately
tried my own package but cannot get it to start 'locked', but all the other installed pkgs are working after using the ps4hen payload??

nevermind, reinstalling the package fixed it !!
g991, thanks a million. i can confirm SSX Tricky is working an absolute treat!!! Oh, and just as good as i remember it!!


also metal slug anthology, marvel vs capcom 2 work great. crash bandicoot wrath of cortex works well, a little graphical glitching but still very playable... :)
Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd is working like a charm and boy, does it look better! :)

B:BB2nd had a nasty bug on PS3, where the game just crashed when one of the players used bankai mode. On PS4, it's not present.

By the way, I don't like, how the screen is stretched to 16:9. What is the correct code for "--host-display-mode"? Also, is there a list of all available settings for the ps2emu?

Also: How to pack a save data icon into PKG? The save data icon and the app icon are both has to be named as "icon0.png". Since both need to be in "sce_sys", one will overwrite the other, so how?

UPDATE: I found the list of command lines. I still need help with the savedata icon thing.
One of the images is named icon0 the size of that one needs to be 512 x 512 and it needs to be a png file.

The other one is named pic1 the size of that one needs to be 1920 x 1080 and it also needs to be a png file.


You can use PhotoFiltre 7 to edit your images really easy hope this helps.
One of the images is named icon0 the size of that one needs to be 512 x 512 and it needs to be a png file.

The other one is named pic1 the size of that one needs to be 1920 x 1080 and it also needs to be a png file.


You can use PhotoFiltre 7 to edit your images really easy hope this helps.

I know, but ps4wikidev says, that the save data icon needs to be other res than 512x512. I can make icon0 and pic1, but those are menu icons/bgs, not saved data ones. PS4wikidev says that both the app icon and saved data icon needs to be named as icon0.png. Only difference is that app icon has to be 512x512, while saved icon needs to be in 228x128. I just don't know where to put the saced data icon0.png.
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