Here's a guide on how to host PS4HEN using exploited 4.05 PS4 OFW on an Android Phone for those interested!
How to host PS4HEN on Android Phone
How to host PS4HEN on Android Phone
- kWS (or any other web server application)
- Install kWS in to your Android phone.
- Extract .zip file to your Android phone (Ex. sdcard\)
- Adjust kWS settings so "Home Directory" will point to your extracted PS4-HEN-VTS folder. (Ex. sdcard\PS4-HEN-VTX)
- [OPTIONAL] Change port number (Default: 8080)
- [OPTIONAL] Make your android phone have static IP. (Via Android settings or by assigning IP Address to MAC Address via router)
- Start kWS server
- Open PS4 browser and browse to your kWS server (Ex.
- [OPTIONAL] Save it as bookmark for fast access.