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A few days back we saw some nice PS4 Linux progress by eeply, and today tikilou made available guide for Gnome on PS4 Pro Firmware 4.55 (Manjaro Linux) with a demonstration video below! :love:

Here it is from French site, roughly translated for those interested: PS4 Manjaro Linux PS4 V1 Available

Hello everyone, as you had to follow recently, Eeply has made a contribution to the Linux kernel with the Display Port Bridge driver => HDMI Panasonic MN864729, this advanced allows us finally to enjoy the video output of PS4 Slim and Pro on Linux.

In these conditions, I got to work, and despite some setbacks, I was able to draw small things, that's why I bring you a distribution ready to use, based on ArchLinux, but with the accessibility of an Ubuntu.

Here is a short video of the boot of Manjaro Linux Gnome, on a PS4 Pro with Firmware 4.55:

Gnome On PS4 Pro firmware 4.55 (Manjaro Linux)
Why Manjaro? Because it is both simple to handle, accessible, but also very flexible, and size advantage, rolling release, which means that it is updated in real time as the release of all its system components (no update to all X times like Ubuntu or Fedora), but also because, based on ArchLinux, it brings its share of tools including the community filing of scripts AUR.

The Aur system, Community, is very interesting, it could be the entry point for anyone to contribute easily for Linux on PS4 software side, via this repository, whoever can propose a script, who will pack automatically any file / software from pre-compiled sources or binaries. It is thus possible to offer applications, games, configuration files, or even ... A customized Linux kernel, custom drivers, etc. And the repository is already teeming with emulators, so it is very easy to compile automatically, the latest revisions from github many emulators (including RPCS3.).

The AMD x86_64 processor is also a very big advantage of compatibility with the PC universe, with Linux running on PS4.

You can contribute to the community repository here:

Here's what Preconfigured Distribution provides, multiple remote access solutions have been built in and enabled by default for easy debugging and provisioning:
  • Kernel Linux 4.9 patched by Eeply for the Panasonic bridge MN864729
  • Boot automatic on Manjaro x64 (based on the initramfs of the old version fedora PS4
  • Last updates included (19/03/2018)
  • SSH enabled by default, access via a PC on the same local network
  • X2Go server (LXDE only!) Enabled by default, local / remote access to a desktop session via X2Go client under Linux or Windows.
  • Teamviewer 13 preinstalled. (Remote access to desktop session)
  • Gnome office environments, LXDE, Mate.
  • Firefox, Thunderbird, Libreoffice, Gnote, Audacious, VLC, Smplayer, Kodi, Filezilla, XCFA, Handbrake.
  • Emulators: Feux (NES) / Nestopia (NES) / Snes9X (Super Nes) / Yabause (Sega Saturn) / PCSXR (PsOne) / PCSX2 (PS2) / PCSSPP (PSP) / Redream Dreamcast / Reicast (Dreamcast) / CEMU (WiiU) / Dolphin (GameCube / Wii) / DesMum (Nintendo DS) / Game Boy Advance (MGBA)
  • Steam
  • Interpretor Wine + PlayOnLinux, to simply install games and Windows applications on Linux, without emulation, natively.
  • Azerty Preconfiguration / Integral French.
  • Integration of Solaar software to support Logitech unifying dongles.
  • Flatpak (integration of the universal package system, but need to have kernels-headers to use it, waiting for a contribution therefore)
  • Integration of dynamic management of the swap (swap file), disabled by default, however, to preserve the flash memory of your USB keys, to activate it execute the command "sudo systemctl enable swapspace && sudo systemctl start swapspace"
About bugs and bug returns:

The Manjaro distribution itself does not have any particular problems, all the bugs encountered depend on the 2 other elements, the payload allowing to load the Linux kernel from OrbitOS-BSD (it is the version of the version of valentinbreiz or vultra), and said Linux kernel patched by Eeply which will load the initramfs (a kind of tiny very light distribution) that via its scripts, will then load a real GNU distribution (all free elements gravitating around the Linux kernel, office environment, services, APIs, software, etc...)

Indeed, PayLoads valentinbreiz and vultra are quite unstable during initial loading, on average, there are several types of crashes / failures before successful boot Linux and have something on the screen, very often we can encounter a complete crash of the PS4 with verification of the hard drive, etc ... Or even, end up with a black screen / off. And in rare cases, I even met a Freeze of the PS4 OS when loading Linux, or the Eeply kernel that does not load the distribution as it is supposed to do.

Another bug, maybe because it's a PS4 Pro and the driver proposed by Failoverfl0w was not optimized for the latest revision of the AMD APU included in this version of the console, there is many concerns about the frequency management of the APU GPU, this is why the desktop environment under Gnome jerks, similarly the support of resolutions is still limited to 1080P, even if the HDMI output 2.0 should handle 4K as well as exotic resolutions in 21/9 (3440x1440 and 2560x1440).

In fact, at least on my PS4 Pro, only the GNOME desktop environment with Wayland display server and software graphics driver (LLVM) launches, under Mate, LXDE, with Xorg, niet (on the other hand in remote access via x2go no problem, you can use without any problem the PS4 as a server.)

Moreover there is no support for Wifi and Bluetooth currently, nor the internal hard drive.

All these bugs encountered, will depend only on the updates made to the PayLoad, and the Linux kernel (BzImage) integrated in the first partition in FAT32, that the PayLoad will come to load, these are the only two elements that will have to be really concerned. to correct the problems, and it will be seen from the side of Eeply and valentinbreiz and vulva.

Their github are accessible here, it is on their github that you will have to make your contributions, commits, and bug returns, or even forking their code:
The contributions of each:

At the level of the contributions, know that the virtualization is supported by the APU AMD, so theoretically it is possible to be able to launch VirtualBox. But it needs the kernel-headers (sources) of the Linux kernel Eeply to be able to compile and load its module (driver) and be usable.

It will therefore be necessary for a charitable soul to propose on the AUR community repository, a package that properly integrates the sources in a "kernel-headers" package as it is done for the kernels planned for PC, and why not, a management of the bets. update the kernel directly to the partition containing the kernel (BzImage)

Also be aware that whatever USB accessory you will use, the drivers you will want to use will basically depend on two things, their integration into the Linux kernel provided by Eeply, OR the availability of kernel heads (the kernel sources properly integrated into the distribution) allowing anyone to retro-wear any driver.

Finally, be aware that the Linux kernel is free and open source, there is a good chance that in time, all the contributions of Eeply are integrated into the Linux kernel during the development of later versions, and once a driver is present in the Linux kernel... it stays there!

Nobody will therefore meet the typical problems of Linux on PS3, with OtherOS restricting access to the GPU, an unusual architecture and almost abandoned and a software support on the poor duration. The PC architecture of the PS4 plays in our favor, in ten years, there will always be updates and a Linux system up to date, so any of your contributions, will be made to last!

Similarly, it would be useful and friendly for a reader / contributor to translate this article into English for GBAtemp and PsHax.

Linux kernel sources by Eeeply containing its patch for the Panasonic MN864729 bridge:

Modified "radeon" driver providing bridge support (see changes to ps4_bridge.c, radeon_connectors.c and radeon_encoders.c)

MD5 files:
  • PS4-Linux-Loader-4.55.bin: e71c6fcf2f5f61034801d929507a08b8
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.001: 95296f03a3ca4faead4ec67a0c0f9f86
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.002: a5b0bc8cdfadf701835a5d91c4e804a6
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.003: b877a101ca2e36fd3cbfe4dbb619f6ea
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.004: a705ff5bc6e399a761f693558d2818bb
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.005: bf5950eed70067f0c57d8d160d39ae9a
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.006: 930fb6b1377f2453a143a9a4d48a5ba0
  • Manjaro-PS4-V1.7z.007: 2cacc3b5dc881d4827f17fd3239da567
I cut the IMG file with 7zip to allow those with small connections to have fewer problems, and offers two mirrors for downloads.


The principle is the same as Fedora for firmware 1.76, you will need to copy bit by bit, the image file on a USB stick or hard drive. You can use the "gnome-disk-utility" tools in Linux or DD (on the command line) or pair both, to do this, you can even resize the Linux partition with Gparted, for example, if it's on an SSD or HDD on USB 3.0 port.

Attention, the first partition of the disk must always be the one in FAT32 containing the Linux kernel loaded by the Payload, and the initramfs loaded by the Linux kernel, then you must have the partition containing Manjaro, and if you wish, you can even add your EXFAT score to your side for your PS4 apps on regular use.

You can also, if you use Manjaro Linuxc on PC, use the command "mhwd-chroot / dev / sdb2" (replace / dev / sdb2 by the correct path of the system partition) via a terminal to chrooter you directly on the installed system and edit on the fly without being on PS4, but on PC.


User : ps4
Password : 1
(sudo is functional!)

Super administrator : root
Password : 1

For obvious security reasons, remember to change the password!

Reminder & documentation:

Again, do not be surprised if you have crashes when loading the payload... The latter is still unstable. On the other hand, when everything goes well, there is no more crash (except the GPU worries with Xorg on PS4 Pro, but even when it crashes, the console remains accessible via SSH or X2Go, it is possible to restart GDM with the command "sudo systemctl restart gdm".

Finally, the magic keys work, Eeply seems to have activated by default, so a CTRM + SHIFT + PRINT + B will force a reboot of the console whatever the situation. (Normally.)
You'll find everything you need in this software ecosystem, from yogurt pacman to software installation, to Manjaro's highly simplified MHWD driver manager.

Thank you:

Eeply, Vultra, ValentinBreiz, qwertyuiop, specter, the Fail0verflow team, Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, the ArchLinux team, the Team Manjaro, as well as all the contributors of free software, and all those to come.

Finally, from DANiO comes Salix Linux for PS4 with details below, to quote:

Download: salix_ps4.img.bz2 (1.38 GB) / MD5 (52 Bytes)

  • USB stick with 8GB or more
1. Download salix_ps4.img.bz2,
2. burn substeps:
  • if on windows use 7zip to uncompress, then use win32 disk imager to write image to USB stick
  • if on linux use `bzcat salix_ps4.img.bz2 | dd status=progress of=/dev/sdX` - where X is USB stic
3. Use kernel-linux payload for hackable fw,
4. Now you see penguins!
5. Type: `mount /dev/sda2 /newroot`
6. And BOO(S)T by: `exec chroot /newroot /sbin/init`
7. Now you can login as root!

NOTE: the "root" password is "toor", remember it!
  • Manjaro Linux PS4 [v2] via (who used our image below without any credit unfortunately :noexpression:)
Manjaro PS4 v2 Teaser, Steam is working on PS4 Pro
[ PS4 LINUX ] MANJARO V2 Easy Complete Installation Guide
Manjaro Linux PS4 V1 Gnome on PS4 Pro OFW 4.55 Guide by Tikilou.jpg


Hi, i tried to run V2 on my ps4 with FW 4.55. CUH2016B (GT Limited Edition). I used original exploit and Linux Loader Payload like in the instruction. I also made the partitions like it is described and put the images on my external HDD.

After connecting HDD via USB, running the Original Exploit, injecting Payload, my TV went Black and shows "No Signal". Looks like there are Problems with the HDMI or Graphic. Anyone with an Idea, what i can do to fix this problem? Do i have to use other BZIMAGE-File?
Someone can help me?

I have Ps4 Pro , and I try to start manjaro V1 and V2

I can run the first stage and see ont the screen the initramfs... but after I'm obtaining only the shell

If I see the messages.log i see that error :

"mounting /newroot...
wrong UUID or LAVEL
swapping to rescueshell because of the above error"

after i do

fdisk -l

and try to mount the first partition on the /newroot but when i try to do

"mount /dev/sda1 /newroot"

the system tell me there is invalid , and not mount nothing

Now how I can try to start manjaro?
Good time of the day. I use Manjaro PS4 v2. I try to install GPU drivers on manjiaro for PS4 PRO FW 5.05 CUH 7016B - and it’s don’t work! but install.

Download img from here. Just Linux without GPU driver - work fine, but very very slow! I use SSD 3.0 120 GB WD for install majiaro. Make all commands in terminal according this guide
sudo pacman -Syu

mkdir ~/tmp

sudo mv /usr/lib32/ ~/tmp/

sudo mv /usr/lib32/ ~/tmp/

sudo mv /usr/lib32/ ~/tmp/

sudo mv /usr/lib32/pkgconfig/wayland-egl.pc ~/tmp/

sudo pacman -S lib32-wayland


sudo rm /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/

yaourt -Rdd mesa-git lib32-mesa-git libdrm-git lib32-libdrm-git xorg-server-git wayland-git

yaourt -Rdd xf86-video-ati-git

yaourt -S mesa lib32-mesa libdrm lib32-libdrm xorg-server wayland

yaourt -S xf86-video-ati
all according this guide:

but after reboot get ripple gray screen, and after press on enter or space button get black screen with purple line from the left. Use 4K monitor with PiP function. Anyway try use simple Full HD TV - it have a same problem. Make reinstall manjiaro many many times, and have a same trouble. How I can fix it? Anybody have any idea?


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