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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Jan 28, 2016 at 10:00 PM       131      
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This is just a rumor making rounds on the net at this point, but h3ck34 has been tweeting recently that a PS4 jailbreak device called the USB Whistle will be coming on February 20th with a PS4 CFW arriving no later than a month later on March 20th.

Is it legitimate? According to Wololo: "There are growing rumors that a group affiliated with the Cobra team (a team popular for some of their PS3 hardware mods, and the same team that announced the – yet to be released – cobra blackfin for PS Vita) have been working on a PS4 Jailbreak usb dongle."

Download: BF_manual.rar / Blackfin-1.0.rar / ADI Blackfin GNU Toolchain / Blackfin Software / EVAL-ADICUP360
While it wouldn't surprise me if the Cobra PS3 scene profiteers started milking the PS4 scene dry instead of releasing open-source freeware, I'm not holding my breath on this rumor being true just yet.

Below are some related tweets, feel free to comment with your own thoughts on the USB Whistle rumor:




I do not like emulators, especially virtual machines. they require strong iron.
I love emulators aspecialy ones that use system hw they are the easiest to bend and can do a great deal of things to them and the system after but it's knowing how to bend them the right way.
Syscall0 is the start of it
Check there that's a memory allocate

i never told him about the openssl curve
it was confirmed because i had done work on my own.
oh and ya.... it was confirmed by chaosKID.
guys sorry for so noob question like this one.ive read the whole 11 pages and still couldnt figure out.How close r we for a cfw ? or how close r we for a dongle like the first of ps3? with simple words :p
guys sorry for so noob question like this one.ive read the whole 11 pages and still couldnt figure out.How close r we for a cfw ? or how close r we for a dongle like the first of ps3? with simple words :p
a long time for cfw mate need keys which aint there to run anything from dongle and homebrew cant be signed without code to run
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