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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Jan 28, 2016 at 10:00 PM       131      
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This is just a rumor making rounds on the net at this point, but h3ck34 has been tweeting recently that a PS4 jailbreak device called the USB Whistle will be coming on February 20th with a PS4 CFW arriving no later than a month later on March 20th.

Is it legitimate? According to Wololo: "There are growing rumors that a group affiliated with the Cobra team (a team popular for some of their PS3 hardware mods, and the same team that announced the – yet to be released – cobra blackfin for PS Vita) have been working on a PS4 Jailbreak usb dongle."

Download: BF_manual.rar / Blackfin-1.0.rar / ADI Blackfin GNU Toolchain / Blackfin Software / EVAL-ADICUP360
While it wouldn't surprise me if the Cobra PS3 scene profiteers started milking the PS4 scene dry instead of releasing open-source freeware, I'm not holding my breath on this rumor being true just yet.

Below are some related tweets, feel free to comment with your own thoughts on the USB Whistle rumor:




a lot of emulators are notorious for allowing this kind of crap
people jus dont mess around or experiment enough or go thru the src to even see whats available
I got you, having a emulator running a certain system, then have that emulator emulate a totally other system. I do that with virtual machines. a VM inside a VM. ha! Thanks for sharing!
The best way to do this is to have a complete open virtual system so that you can emulate over an emulator or even swap it with another.
you do know we got that kernel exploit now.... and we can probably redesign bad iret as a even bigger
backdoor than what she intended...
i havent touched vita in a while m8 but yes they unpack without need for wargios tools

i still get into a few rutts now and then ive avoided makefiles like hell lately...

@GritNGrind I learned a lot of things....
but as you learn more and more some simple things can be difficult...
with me it all depends on what it is ... Chaos KID KNOWS LOL

have a few strengths can lead to 1 bad weakness.
i mainly got started with disassembly then learned how to program,
machine code later on. compiled languages like c++ are more direct and straight foward.
while languages like c are a bit more old fashioned but great for bare metal.
i can write in multiple languages but my brain shuts down when i feel like i cant do something.
have a few strengths can lead to 1 bad weakness.
i mainly got started with disassembly then learned how to program,
machine code later on. compiled languages like c++ are more direct and straight foward.
while languages like c are a bit more old fashioned but great for bare metal.
i can write in multiple languages but my brain shuts down when i feel like i cant do something.
Yeah, I know I have a lot of weak areas, but I also have a couple of strong areas. I really just enjoy poking around to see what I can find out, or tweak something to get it to do something different. That's how we all grow and learn. You got to dig in, but also some help/direction from others that know what they are doing doesn't hurt either. At the very least, it can get you to thinking about a different way of doing something than you may have not thought of before.
exactly. you can only thrive from this point foward. some people will always have problems understanding but trying is all that is asked.
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