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PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date May 20, 2016 at 11:22 PM       3      
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While awaiting the PoC release of the PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit from earlier today, PlayStation 4 developer @Osirisx shared a video demonstrating Steam on PS4 (ARCH) Linux using the PS4 Radeon Libs on 1.76 Firmware.

To quote from OsirisX: Haven't tried on Ubuntu but works fine with ARCH linux after compiling both 64 bit and 32 bit Radeon libs. I posted a video of me running Steam a while ago. Most games have stable FPS when running low to mid graphics setting.

Related guides:
Special thanks to @toni1988 for the heads-up in the Shoutbox! :tup:
Steam on PS4 Linux.jpg


An obligatory joke about the PS finally having games.

But great work, hopefully this will work on further firmwares using the 3.50 exploit!
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