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  1. DecryptedKernelLabelSyscalls Python Script for PS4 Scene Developers

    As part of the OpenOrbis Project initiative to provide 100% free and open source development libraries / tools and following the script earlier this week, PlayStation 4 scene developer @KIWIDOGGIE (diwidog on Twitter) of updated his KiwiDoggie Productions...
  2. GetEventHandlerNames Python Script for PS4 Scene Developers

    Following his GhidraOrbisTools PS4 Loader and IDA Script Ports developer @KIWIDOGGIE (aka diwidog on Twitter) recently added a GetEventHandlerNames Python Script ( by kd_tech_ to his KiwiDoggie Productions IDA ConsoleHacking Scripts repository on Github for PS4 scene...
  3. PS4 4.05 Patches and Hooks to Enable FSELF / FPKG Loading by IDC

    Since @flatz shared on Twitter his awesome PS4 Fake PKGs & SELF / FSELF Write-up, and following the PS4 SELF_Info.exe release and recent 4.05 Experiments PlayStation 4 developer IDC made available some PS4 4.05 patches and hooks on Github to enable FSELF / FPKG loading with ShellCore patches...
  4. Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare PS4 Join PlayStation Now

    PlayStation Now subscribers can enjoy Rockstar game classics Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare as Sony brings back their PS Now one-year subscription for $99.99 with a 7-day trial also available in time for the holidays. :tree: Below is a list of other popular...