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  1. Orbis Suite 3.0 Beta (WIP) for PS4 Devs by OSM-Made (OldSchoolModz)

    Following his previous OrbisFTP and Orbis Toolbox updates, PlayStation 4 Scene developer @oldschoolmodzhd (aka OSM-Made or OldSchoolModzHD on YouTube) of recently updated his Github repository with an Orbis Suite 3.0 Early Beta work-in-progress (WIP) stating on Twitter, "I...
  2. Znullptr on PS4 / PS5 Jailbreak Exploit Development, Seeking Donations

    Earlier this month developer @KIWIDOGGIE revealed on Twitter that unlike PS4 the PS5 utilizes (3) stages of security: Webkit (Userland), Kernel level and some additional memory (Hypervisor codenamed Hylonome / VM) protections... while over the weekend developer @zezu420 (aka Znullptr on Twitter)...
  3. PS5 TestKit DFI-T1000AA DEX Console on 2.30 Developer Firmware Demo

    As a follow-up to the PS5 DevKit / TestKit Console Manager App earlier this month, PlayStation 5 Scene developer @MrNiato shared on Twitter a PS5 TestKit Model DFI-T1000AA DEX Console demonstration video showcasing the 2.30 PS5 Developer Firmware menus from his YouTube Channel. 🤩 Previously...
  4. POOBS4: PS4 9.00 Jailbreak Exploit via ChendoChap with Updated Payloads!

    Another Festivus miracle... proceeding the PS4 9.00 Payloads, Caturday arrived early for the PS4Scene as ChendoChap (BTC: bc1qswmgpt7akstzrsudefjj88e7caxgmqfaxt59rf) just released the PS4 9.00 Jailbreak Exploit dubbed POOBS4 following @sleirsgoevy's PS4 9.00 Webkit Exploit for use in PlayStation...
  5. PS4 9.00 Payloads Arrive for Upcoming PlayStation 4 Jailbreak Exploit

    While time will tell if the next full PS4 Jailbreak Exploit will be gifted upon the PS4Scene on Caturday (presumably Christmas Day: Saturday, December 25th 2021), in preparation developers have now made available an archive of PS4 9.00 Payloads via @Al Azif on Twitter. 🎁 :alert: As echoed in...
  6. How to Access the Hidden PlayStation 5 (PS5) Web Browser via Backdoor

    Sony's confirmation that PlayStation 5 currently doesn't include a dedicated Web browser app isn't deterring PS5 Scene users including @KIWIDOGGIE (kd_tech_ on Twitter) and @SilicaAndPina (siliccan on Twitter) from using backdoors in to access the hidden in-app PS5 Web Browser as others examine...
  7. PS4 6.72 Payload Ports, Updated Mira Project Support & ELF / Loader

    Following yesterday's PS4 6.72 Payload Ports by @Al Azif on Github, this weekend kiwidoggie added 6.72 support updating Mira Project to include 4.74, 5.01, 5.03, 5.05 and 6.72 Passing Builds with 4.05, 4.55 and 6.20 still at WIP status alongside a Team OpenOrbis version 6.72 PS4 ELF and...
  8. DecryptedKernelLabelSyscalls Python Script for PS4 Scene Developers

    As part of the OpenOrbis Project initiative to provide 100% free and open source development libraries / tools and following the script earlier this week, PlayStation 4 scene developer @KIWIDOGGIE (diwidog on Twitter) of updated his KiwiDoggie Productions...
  9. GetEventHandlerNames Python Script for PS4 Scene Developers

    Following his GhidraOrbisTools PS4 Loader and IDA Script Ports developer @KIWIDOGGIE (aka diwidog on Twitter) recently added a GetEventHandlerNames Python Script ( by kd_tech_ to his KiwiDoggie Productions IDA ConsoleHacking Scripts repository on Github for PS4 scene...
  10. LibOrbisPkg PKGTool: PKGEditor for PS4 Updated by Maxton with EKPFS / XTS Key Support

    Since yesterday's PS4 PKG Backporting updates PlayStation 4 scene developer maxton of announced on Twitter that he updated the LibOrbisPkg PKGTool (LibOrbisPkg PkgEditor) adding support for EKPFS / XTS keys to access an encrypted PKG's file system alongside a keydb.json file to store...