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  1. Latest PS4 Game PKGs in the PS4Scene for December 2021

    As 2021 wraps up, here's Part III with the final batch of new PS4 PKG Games in the PlayStation 4 Scene from DUPLEX, HiGHROAD, MOEMOE and UNLiMiTED for use on a Jailbroken PS4 Console with the latest PS4 9.00 Payloads and GoldHEN v2.0b2 homebrew enabler. Have a safe and Happy New Year 2022...
  2. New PS4 PKG Games in the PlayStation 4 Scene for December 2021

    With the flood of new PS4 PKG Games for December 2021 to use with a Jailbroken PS4 Console and the latest PS4 Payloads for 9.00 including GoldHEN v2.0b2, here's Part II from PlayStation 4 Scene groups including DUPLEX, HiGHROAD, MOEMOE and UNLiMiTED to enjoy over the holidays. 🦌 :tree:🎁 :santa...
  3. Latest PS4 PKG Games in the PlayStation 4 Scene for December 2021

    Headlining December 2021's latest PS4 PKG Games topic from the creators of the popular multi-platform title Myst is Obduction on PlayStation 4 for use with GoldHEN 2.0b, which comes proceeding last month's limited PS4 Scene releases... ironically by UNLiMiTED. 😏 Since @sleirsgoevy's 9.00 PS4...
  4. New PS4 PKG Games in the PlayStation 4 Scene for November 2021

    Every month we dedicate a topic for the PlayStation 4 Scene game releases, and although the new PS4 PKG Games are sparse so far this month UNLiMiTED did a few for GoldHEN Homebrew Enabler on PS4 Jailbroken consoles with hopes of another windfall including more PS4 PKG Backports whenever the...
  5. New PS4 Game FPKGs Hit the PlayStation 4 Scene for October 2021

    Sometimes life goes by quickly, as the last surge of PS4 Game FPKGs in the PlayStation 4 Scene was back in August with just a few September PS4 FPKG Games alongside a handful of PS2 to PS4 PKGs released... but thanks to groups MOEMOE, PiKMiN and UNLiMiTED below is a new round for use with...
  6. Latest PS4 FPKGs (Fake Package Games) Arrive in the PS4Scene

    Here's the latest PS4 FPKGs (Fake Package Games) to arrive in the PS4Scene following the previous update from groups MOEMOE and UNLiMiTED, for use with the homebrew enabler GoldHEN v1.1 🐤 on Jailbroken PlayStation 4 consoles! 😃 As always, we'll continue to update this article adding the related...
  7. Injustice Mobile Skins Restoration Mod PS4 PKG by Wastelander121

    Following his Batman: Arkham Knight Free Roam Mod Menu PS4 PKG Port, Dishonored: Definitive Edition 60 FPS Mod PS4 PKG and Deadpool 60 FPS Mod PS4 PKG today PS4Scene developer @Wastelander121 shared on Twitter an Injustice Mobile Skins Restoration Mod PS4 PKG currently for the CUSA00051 version...
  8. New PS4 FPKG (Fake PKG) Games Released in PlayStation 4 Scene

    A few weeks back we saw an influx of new PS4 FPKGs that were released by PS4Scene group MOEMOE, and this weekend the PS4FPKG flood of games continues from UNLiMiTED & MOEMOE for use with GoldHEN 1.1 🐥 on Jailbroken PS4 consoles! 🌊 The related PS4 NFOs for these new PS4 FPKG games can be found...
  9. Latest PS4 Fake PKG (FPKG) Games Released in PlayStation 4 Scene

    Happy Independence Day to those in the US, everyone here at wishes you a very safe and relaxing holiday weekend! 🎇 🎆 While enjoying outdoor festivities one tip I'll pass along is to avoid contact with the Stinging Nettle, unfortunately I wasn't so lucky this weekend and am still...
  10. Latest PS4 Fake PKGs (FPKGs) by PlayStation 4 Scene Group DUPLEX

    As the previous update is getting a bit crowded now, here's a new topic covering the latest PS4 Fake PKGs (FPKGs) released by PlayStation 4 Scene group DUPLEX (and MOEMOE / UNLiMiTED as they put out new PS4 FPKGs) for use with GoldHEN 1.1 on Jailbroken PS4 consoles! 😍 We'll update the list...