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  1. Reicast Sega Dreamcast Emulator PS4 Port in Development, Demo Video

    Recently @oneman123 shared some screenshots on Twitter of the Reicast (GIT) multiplatform Sega Dreamcast Emulator PS4 port currently in development by @zezu420 (aka Znullptr on Twitter or dmiller423 on Github / Patreon page) with a Reicast PS4 Beta demonstration video showing some Rayman 2...
  2. UnFSelf: Convert PS4 FSELF Files Back to ELF Files by DimosGsxR & SELFUtil by Znullptr

    PlayStation 4 developer @DimosGsxR let us know he'd like to share his UnFSelf Windows application to convert PS4 FSELF files back to ELF files by simply dragging and dropping the FSELF file on UnfSelf.exe to get the resulting ELF file with "-decrypted" added to the filename. :cool: Download...