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  1. PS4OfflineAccountActivator to Export PS4 Save Data to USB by Charlyzard

    Following his Free PS4 SaveData Decrypting Tools release PlayStation 4 scene developer charlyzard announced on Twitter that he's added a PS4OfflineAccountActivator to his Github repository which allows users to export PS4 save data among other things to USB. 😍 Download...
  2. LibOrbisNfs: LibOrbis PS4 Homebrew Userland Library LibNfs Port

    Proceeding his OrbisGlPerf: OpenGL ES 2.0 Perf Sample, this weekend PlayStation 4 developer BigBoss made available on Github via Twitter a LibOrbis PS4 Homebrew Userland Library LibNfs PS4 Port dubbed LibOrbisNfs for scene devs alongside some assembly samples to get things started! 😍 Download...
  3. ProfileIt: Change PS4 Profile Icons by OfficialAhmed & PS4Profile / PS4Shortcuts by Master_s9

    Proceeding his MyTrophies Beta PS4HEN Trophy Calculator and Iconit: PS4 Tool releases, PlayStation 4 homebrew developer OfficialAhmed released ProfileIt via Twitter which is an all-in-one PS4 tool to automate / change PlayStation 4 profile icons with ease. 😃 Download: ProfileIt (29.1 MB...
  4. PS4 Android Application APK to Mod BO3 1.00 for 5.05 FW by MrNiato

    Earlier this month we saw an All Clients Black Ops 3 (BO3) Zombie PS4 RTM Tool by PlayStation 4 homebrew developer @MrNiato, and today he shared on Twitter a PS4 Android Application to Mod BO3 1.00 using Firmware 5.05 complete with source code and a Black Ops 3 demonstration video of it in...
  5. PS4 PKG Sender Docker Compose Web Server UI by Justanormaldev

    Proceeding his PS4 Homebrew Vagrant Box release, PlayStation 4 developer justanormaldev recently made available a PS4 PKG Sender Docker Compose Web Server UI for @flatz's PS4 Remote PKG Installer that was followed by both a PS4 Remote PKG Sender GUI and a Remote PKG Installer Update. :cool...
  6. PS4 Memory API Server for Homebrew Developers by McCaulay

    This weekend developer McCaulay shared a commit on his Github for a PS4 Memory API Server which can be utilized by PlayStation 4 homebrew developers for debugging communication between apps. :geekxf2: This comes following other PlayStation API (Application Programming Interface) releases...
  7. PlayStation 4 Debugger Oni Framework by Kiwidog Now Available

    Following PS4 Debugger 4.05, today Kiwidog made available an open source Oni Framework PlayStation 4 debugger for developers working on PS4 homebrew development. :geekxf2: For those curious he notes on Twitter, to quote: "Oni framework isn't specific to anything, It's just basic c code that can...