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  1. PSV Trophies Fixer v1.0 VPK and PS Vita Demo by Yoti Dev

    Following his PSPgo Fake-Pair Tool v0.4, PlayStation Vita developer @Yoti made available PSV Trophies Fixer v1.0 followed by a PSV NoPsmDrm Fixer on Twitter today featuring graphic design from 1upus and additional details below. :ninja: Download: trophies_fixer.vpk / GIT / nopsmdrm_fixer.vpk /...
  2. Vitamin 3.0: PS Vita NoNpDrm DRM Bypass Plugin by TheFloW Coming

    Following his previous Vitamin official release, the recent PS4 NPDRM Conversion and 6.61 Adrenaline-6 Fix, PlayStation Vita developer TheFloW announced that this month he'll be releasing Vitamin 3.0 featuring a PS Vita plugin called NoNpDrm which allows users to bypass Sony's DRM to share...
  3. Adrenaline 6.61 PSPemu CFW for TaiHEN on PS Vita by TheFloW

    Today Adrenaline 6.61 is released which is a PSPemu Custom Firmware (CFW) modification of Sony's official PSP Emulator for TaiHEN on PS Vita by PlayStation Vita homebrew developer TheFloW with details and updates linked below! :coolxf2: Download: (138.1 KB) /...
  4. Vitamin_v2.0.vpk Updated, MaiDumpTool V233.0 PS Vita Game Dumper

    Following the Vitamin v1.1 release, today PlayStation Vita developer TheFloW updated the official release to Vitamin_v2.0.vpk following another game dumping utility called MaiDumpTool V233.0 by Chinese developer species and MaiDumpTool V233.1 via APTXIke4869 with details below. Download...
  5. Vitamin_v1.0.vpk Official Vitamin by TheFloW, Major Tom & Mr. Gas

    Yesterday a Vitamin-Omega.vpk for PlayStation Vita from Team FreeK was leaked on the Internet, and today TheFloW followed up with an official Vitamin_v1.0.vpk PS Vita release alongside Vitamin_v1.1.vpk and VitaShell 0.86! Download: Vitamin_v1.0.vpk (656.2 KB) / Vitamin_v1.1.vpk (657.9 KB) /...
  6. Vitamin-Omega.vpk Vitaman Game Dumper App by Team FreeK Surfaces

    This past weekend we saw a demo video spotlighting Vitamin PS Vita game backups by Team FreeK, and today OhhShitLeak made available the Vitaman game dumper application (Vitamin-Omega.vpk) with a video of it in action by zSydor below! (y) Download: vitamin-omega.vpk (653.07 KB) /...