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  1. batman

    Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Free for PS3 & Xbox 360

    Hello friends!!! Following the initial release of my Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque full game last year, I decided to make the homebrew ports for PS3 and Xbox 360 free... so you can now enjoy the best and most based homebrew game released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360! 🎮...
  2. Ferrox 4.87 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Proceeding the 4.87 PS3 OFW Update and their previous revision, over the holidays PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.87 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.87 with the changes detailed below for those in the PS3 Scene that still own a...
  3. Ferrox 4.86 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Following their previous revision and the 4.86 Rebug PS3 CFW update, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss recently released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.86 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.86 with the changes outlined below for those who still own a PS3 video game...
  4. GrimDoe

    Mortal Kombat 9 (MK9) KE PS3 Real Time Modding (RTM) Tool by GrimDoe

    Following my Mortal Kombat XL (Half & Full Mesh Swap) PS4 Guide, today I present a v1.07 update to my Mortal Kombat 9 (MK9) Kombat Edition (KE) PS3 Real Time Modding (RTM) Tool for those who still own a PlayStation 3 console and enjoy game modding. :) Download: Mortal Kombat 9 Komplete Edition...
  5. MK9 RTM Tool for Mortal Kombat 9 on PS3 CFW Demo by GrimDoe

    We've seen a lot of real-time modding for PS4 Games lately, and today Game Mod Developer @GrimDoe shared a demonstration video of his first RTM Tool for Mortal Kombat 9 (MK9) on PS3 Custom Firmware! :biggrinxf2: Let him know what you think in the comments below and enjoy haX'ers! :thumbsupxf2:
  6. Playerkp420 4.81 CFW Cobra 7.3 PS3 Custom Firmware is Released

    Shortly after his Dual-Boot and Standard updates, PlayStation 3 developer playerkp420 released Playerkp420 4.81 CFW Cobra 7.3 PS3 Custom Firmware with details below. Download: Playerkp420_4.81_Cobra.rar (196.54 MB) MD5 Hash: 0C83615D5B739F4CB7E764DBFB135232 To quote from @playerkp420: [COBRA...
  7. PS3MFW Builder v1.0 Build & PS3MFW Builder Updater v1.5

    Following the previous release, today PlayStation 3 developer Endless officially updated to PS3MFW Builder v1.0 Build and PS3MFW Builder Updater v1.5 which includes the PS3 Firmware 4.80 keys for making your own PS3 Modified Firmware. :D Download: PS3MFW Builder v1.0 Build /...
  8. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.80 COBRA 7.3 by Alexander

    A few days back we reported on Ferrox 4.80 v1.0 Standard CEX CFW, and today PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss has kicked it up a notch again to Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.80 COBRA 7.3 with the changes detailed below. Download: CEXFERROX480COBRA730_FINAL.PUP (195.1 MB) MD5 Hash...
  9. mcmrc1

    CFW Settings 0.1 for PS3 Custom Firmware by Mysis

    Hello, following his PS3 plug-ins comes a great release from developer mysis called CFW Settings for PlayStation 3 :) It allows you to Remarry BD without downgrading and Factory Service Mode without a dongle which is very nice :) Download: xmb_cfw-settings.0.1.rar To quote: CFW-Settings 0.1...