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  1. Hacking the PS4: From Zero to Ring Zero in Two Easy Steps PDF

    Following the GTA V Mods Demo on Jailbroken PS4 5.05 OFW from his 0x41con presentation, PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiop has now made available a PDF slideshow outlining his speech titled Hacking the PS4: From Zero to Ring Zero in Two Easy Steps for other PS4 scene devs to examine and learn...
  2. PS4 4.55 BPF Race Condition Kernel Exploit Writeup by SpecterDev

    Earlier this month we saw the PS4 4.55 WebKit Exploit Write-up by PlayStation 4 developer @SpecterDev, and now he announced on Twitter that he's added the PS4 4.55 / FreeBSD BPF kernel exploit writeup to his GitHub repository crediting qwertyoruiop and stating: "The bug is present on any system...
  3. PS4 5.50 WebKit (Userland) Exploit Rewrite by Qwertyoruiop

    This is covered in numerous topics already including the PS4 Holy Grail, 5.01 PS4 WebKit, 5.05 PS4 Breacher and 5.50 PS4 OFW discussion threads but for those who missed it PlayStation 4 developer Qwertyoruiop released a PS4 v5.50 Firmware re-write of the user-level exploit code available HERE...
  4. PS4 4.55 Kernel Exploit is Officially Released by Qwertyoruiopz!

    Following the PS4 4.05 Kernel Exploit, news of his PS4 5.00 Kernel Bug, confirmation of achieving PS4 5.00 Kernel Code Exec and his recent PlayStation 4 Dev Hints today popular hacker Qwertyoruiopz released a PS4 4.55 Kernel Exploit publicly! :lovexf2: This comes after his JailBreakMe PS4 4.0x...
  5. PS4 UART to DCSD Project Pictures & Details by Qwertyoruiopz

    It's been awhile since sharing his decrypted sl-config.xml.env, and following past PS4 UART updates and PS4 Hardware Pinouts today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiopz posted some pictures of his latest PS4 UART to DCSD project on Twitter! :ninja: From the related Tweets below, it appears he's...
  6. PlayStation 4 JailbreakME Exploit Developer Qwertyoruiopz's PS4 Stack

    Since his confirmation on 4/20 of PS4 4.55 dumped and recent PS4 Micro BiOS / PS4 SYSCON MEME's from others, PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiopz shared a picture on Twitter of three PlayStation 4 consoles: a PS4 4.55 Stock model, a PS4 4.06 Jailbroken console and a PS4 4.55 Jailbroken console...
  7. Was Gonna Post PS4 Jailbreaking News, But We Got High... Happy 4/20!

    We here at PSXHAX.COM would like to wish EVERYONE a HAPPY 4/20 Day today! :bud: Below you'll find some 4/20 videos, stories and Tweets making their rounds on Twitter for the cats who can't just lay back and chill with the rest of us <3 sPECiAL sHOUT oUTS to those who remember ANY OF THiS (if...
  8. JailbreakMe PS4 4.0x: PS4 4.0x WebKit RCE Exploit by Qwertyoruiopz!

    Following the PS4 Playground for Firmware 3.55 and PS4 3.55 File Browser, today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiopz made available a PS4 4.0x WebKit RCE Exploit dubbed JailbreakMe PS4 4.0x with details via Twitter below! :biggrinxf2: PS4 Link (click go 3 times): / local...
  9. PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit from PlayStation 4 Dev Qwertyoruiop

    Last month a PS4 Webkit Exploit 2.XX PoC surfaced, and today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiop tweeted news of a PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit via a heap use-after-free at WebCore::TimerBase::heapPopMin() bug with a proof-of-concept incoming. :) To quote from PS4BOT on this development: Hey...
  10. PS4 Kernel Exploit: Sys_Dynlib_Prepare_Dlclose CTurt Qwertyoruiop

    Following the recent PS4 3.11 Out of Bound Read (Freetype 64bit Exploit), fail0verflow's PS4 patches and drivers and his previous PlayStation 4 Kernel Exploitation, today PS4 developers CTurt and Qwertyoruiop revealed news of a PS4 kernel heap overflow exploit alongside an analysis of...