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  1. OpenBOR PS4 PKG Native PlayStation 4 Homebrew Port is Released!

    Proceeding the Streets Of Rage PS4 Mod PKG, OpenBOR PS2 for PS4 PKG Ports and OpenBOR for PS4 Demo today developer @Markus95 (aka @Kus00095) shared on Twitter a native OPENBOR.pkg version of the OpenBOR port forked by @zezu420 (aka Znullptr on Twitter or dmiller423 on Github) who has both a...
  2. PS4 Package (PKG) Sender Release & Tutorial by MODDED WARFARE

    Proceeding his PS4 Patch Builder for Building Modded Update PKGs, today PlayStation 4 homebrew developer @MODDEDWARFARE released via Twitter a PS4 Package (PKG) Sender application complete with a video guide from his YouTube Channel! :tree: :santa: Download: PS4 Package Sender (1.3 MB -...
  3. DroneApp: Parrot Ar Drone 2.0, PS4 Pad and Demo Videos by Matiktli

    Earlier this year we reported on controlling a DJI Tello Drone with a PS4 DualShock 4 Controller, and recently Software Engineer Matiktli (GitLab) committed a Work-In-Progress DroneApp Parrot Ar Drone 2.0 & PS4 Pad alongside some project demo videos from his YouTube Channel below. 😃 Download...
  4. PS4 Patch Builder for Building Modded Update PKGs by MODDED WARFARE

    Since his YouTube Issues PlayStation 4 homebrew developer @MODDEDWARFARE returns releasing on Twitter a PS4 Patch Builder application used for building modded Update Packages (PKGs) alongside a video tutorial on his YouTube Channel! :pumpkin: 🦇 🌕 🧛‍♂️ He states the new PlayStation 4 Patch...
  5. Mednafen PS4 PKG Port of Multi-system Emulator Arrives via Markus95

    Following the Mednafen PS4 Emulator Demos earlier in the month, this weekend tester @Markus95 (aka @Kus00095) made available via Twitter a Mednafen PS4 PKG Port (mednafen.pkg) by @zezu420 (aka Znullptr on Twitter or dmiller423 on Github) who also has a Patreon Page and Github Sponsors Page set...
  6. RPi Camera V2 Stereoscopic Vision Tank PS4 Controller Script by Kokyung

    Since the recent RPi PlayStation 4 DS4 Python Scripts developer Kokyung made available a Raspberry Pi Camera V2 Stereoscopic Vision Tank PS4 DualShock 4 Controller Python script for remote use with Android phones currently in development. :geek: Download: /...
  7. NAO PS4 Control: NAO Robots with PS4 DualShock 4 Controller by Caiit

    Proceeding the WiFi Rover for RPi DS4 PS4 Controller earlier this week, today developer Caiit committed on Github NAO PS4 Control which as the name implies allows you to control a NAO Robot with a PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 (DS4) Controller. 🤖 🎮 Download: / GIT From...
  8. PS4 Retail Theme Unlocker Windows GUI Front-End by Backporter

    Proceeding the PS4 DLC, Games, Updates & Themes Guide by @AluPL (aka TheRadziu on Twitter) today @Backporter shared via Twitter a PS4 Retail Theme Unlocker Windows GUI front-end (PS4-Retail-Theme-unlocker.exe) for use with TheRadziu's Python script (Guide) to create the resulting...
  9. PS4 Firmware Checker for Latest System and Recovery FW by Pearlxcore

    With testers currently running PS4 Firmware / System Software 7.00 Beta 5 it won't be long (about two weeks) before Sony unleashes the next OFW update, and proceeding his PS4 PKG Tool GUI homebrew application PlayStation 4 scene developer @pearlxcore (Twitter) updated his Github repository with...
  10. All Clients Black Ops 3 (BO3) Zombie PS4 RTM Tool by MrNiato

    Proceeding his recent PS4 Development System Research, today PlayStation 4 homebrew developer @MrNiato shared on Twitter an All Clients Black Ops 3 (BO3) Zombie PS4 RTM Tool with a demonstration video below from his YouTube Channel. :D Download: PS4 - BO3 Zombie Tool.rar (42 KB - includes PS4 -...